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Friday, February 16, 2024

Important questions on the topic of e-commerce for the SEE and grade 10 students.

Very short important questions on the topic of e-commerce for the SEE and grade 10 students.

A. Answer the following questions in one sentence:
1) What is e-commerce? (SEE 2079)
Ans: Buying and selling goods and services using internet is known as e-commerce.

2) What do you mean by Business to Consumer (B2C)?
Ans: B2C are transactions that sell directly to final users.

3) What is Consumer to Government (C2G)?
Ans: C2G transactions occur when individual people pay the government.

4) Give any two examples of B2C.
Ans: Daraz and Amazon are two examples of B2C.

5) What is M-Commerce?
Ans: Mobile commerce refers to business or purchases conducted over mobile devices like cell phones or tablets.

6) What do you mean by online payment?
Ans: An online payment system is a way of making transactions or paying for goods and services through an electronic medium and Internet, without the use of checks or cash.

7) Write any two payments of the credit payment system.
Ans Credit cards and e-wallets are examples of credit payment systems.

8) What is biometric payment?
Ans: Biometric payment is a point of sale (POS) technology that uses biometric authentication to identify the user and authorize the deduction of funds from a bank account.

9) Define smart card.
Ans: A plastic card with a microprocessor that can be loaded with funds to make transactions; also known as a chip card.

10) What is Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)?
Ans: EFT is an electronic system used to transfer money from one bank account to another without any cash exchange by hand.

11) What is the business done through the internet? (Specification Grid 2077)
Ans: E-commerce is a business done through the internet.

12) Write examples of e-payment or online payment services in Nepal.
Ans: Khalti, Esewa, IME pay, ePay, Pay Way, iPay etc. are the services of online payment in Nepal.

13) What does B2B mean?
Ans: B2B stands for Business-to-Business, which involves transactions between companies over the Internet.

14) Can services be sold through e-commerce?
Ans: Yes, services can be sold and purchased through e-commerce platforms.

15) What is a payment gateway?
Ans: A payment gateway is a service that processes credit card payments for e-commerce transactions and other online retailers.

16) Can e-commerce be global?
Ans: Yes, e-commerce can be global, allowing businesses to sell products and services to customers around the world.

17) What is social commerce?
Ans: Social commerce is the use of social network sites to promote and sell products and services directly within the social media platform.

18) What are some popular e-commerce platforms?
Ans: Daraz, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Walmart, are the popular e-commerce platforms.

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