Computer for SEE and NEB

It is a complete SEE and NEB solution for computer science. It includes Computer Fundamentals, Database (SQL), Programming in C QBASIC, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP for beginners.

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Sunday, November 20, 2022

SEE external practical model set of computer science for grade 10

SEE External Practical Model Set 2077 of Computer Science

As a computer science student, you may have heard about the SEE external practical model set. It is a significant evaluation component for computer science students in Nepal. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to the SEE external practical model set of computer science.


The Secondary Education Examination (SEE) is an examination taken by students after completing grade 10 in Nepal. It is a significant examination that evaluates the student's knowledge and skills in various subjects, including computer science.

Understanding the SEE External Practical Model Set

The SEE external practical model set is an evaluation component for computer science students in Nepal. It is a set of tasks that the students need to perform during the examination. These tasks are designed to assess the students' practical knowledge and skills in computer science.

Components of SEE External Practical Model Set

The SEE external practical model set comprises various components, including programming tasks and, database tasks. These tasks are designed to evaluate the students' practical knowledge and skills in various areas of computer science.

Programming Tasks

Programming tasks are one of the essential components of the SEE external practical model set. They require the students to write programs in various programming languages, such as QBASIC and C. These tasks are designed to evaluate the students' programming skills, including problem-solving, logic, and syntax.

Database Tasks

Database tasks are another critical component of the SEE external practical model set. They require the students to create and manipulate databases using database management systems such Ms-Access. These tasks evaluate the student's knowledge and skills in database management and Ms-Access.

 External Practical Work (25 marks)

Group "A"

Database Management System -[5x2=10]

i) Create a table
ii) Insert data into table
iii) Make a query
iv) Make a form or report


Group "B"

QBASIC -[3x3=9]

i) Sub - End Sub
ii) Function - End Function
iii) File Handling


Group "C"

C Programming - [2x3=6]

i) if statement
ii) Looping statement



External Practical Model Set 2077

Group “A”

(MS Access - 10 Marks)

1. a) Create a MS-Access database "exam.mdb" and create a table named "student" under the database "exam.MDB" with the following structure: (2)

Field name

Data type

Roll no

Number (PK)





Date of birth











b) Add five records in the "student" table (2)
c) Prepare a Query to display records that contain Roll no, English, Math, and Computer fields of data only. (2)
d) Prepare a Query to display the records of male students only (or whose Gender is TRUE) (2)
e) Prepare a report on the basis of above table that contains Roll no, Sname, Gender, DOB fields of data (Using wizard) (2)

Group “B”

(QBASIC - 9 Marks)

2. a. Write a QBASIC sub program to find simple interest. (3)
b. Write a program in QBASIC using Function … End Function to reverse a given string (3)
c. Create a data file named “school.txt” which stores the ,Student name, class, address and email. The program should be stop according to the user's choice (3)

Group “C”

(C Programming - 6 Marks)

3. a. Write a program to display the smallest number among three different numbers. (3)
b. Write a program to display the series 1 1 2 3 5 8 ……… up to 10th terms. (3)



The SEE external practical model set is an essential component of the examination for computer science students in Nepal. It evaluates the students' practical knowledge and skills in various areas of computer science, including programming, database management, and networking. By following the tips provided in this article, you can prepare well for the exam and increase your chances of success.


1) What is the SEE external practical model set?
Ans: The SEE external practical model set is an evaluation component for computer science students in Nepal. It is a set of tasks that the students need to perform during the examination.

2) What are the components of the SEE external practical model set?
Ans: The SEE external practical model set comprises various components, including programming tasks, database tasks, and networking tasks.

3) How can I prepare for the SEE external practical model set?
Ans: You can prepare for the SEE external practical model set by practicing programming, learning about database management systems, and studying computer networking.

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