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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Very short Questions of Computer Networking for class 10 and SEE

Very short Questions of 

Networking and Telecommunication for class 10 and SEE

A. Very short Question Answer.

1) What is Communication?

Ans The process of Transferring information between two or more persons using computer is called computer communication.


2) What do you mean by Data Communication?

Ans: The process of Transferring data or information between computers or Transferring data from one place to another is called data communication. Example : E-mail, Internet, E-fax etc..


3) What is Communication media?

Ans: A communication media is a channel through which data or signal can be transmitted from one point to another.


4) What is computer Network? (SLC supp. 2068, 2069, SEE 2074)

Ans: A computer network is a logical or physical interconnection between two or more computers such that they could communicate with each other.


5) What is data transmission mode?

Ans: A data Transmission mode define how the data travels from sender to receiver.


6) What do you mean by networking architecture/model?

Ans: It is a physical and logical design of the software, hardware, protocols, and media of the transmission of data.


7) Define network topology.

Ans: Physical layout of computer network is known as network topology.


8) What is modem?

Ans: It is a device which converts analog data to digital and vice versa.


9) What is Protocol?

Ans: Protocols are commonly agreed rules followed for interconnection and communication between computers in a network.


10) What is communication channel? (SLC Supp. 2070)

Ans: A medium through which a message is transmitted to its intended audience, such as print media or broadcast (electronic) media.


11) What is Band-width?  (SLC – 2066 (Supplementary)

Ans:    Band-width is the amount of data that can transmit through a communication channel in a given period of time.


12) What is Modulation?

Ans: The process of converting the wave into amplitude frequency or phase is called modulation.


13) What is internet?

Ans: The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices.


14) Define intranet.

Ans: An intranet is a private network that can only be accessed by authorized users.


15) What is extranet?

Ans: Extranet is a local network accessible to specific outside users or businesses, but still inaccessible to the general public.


16) Define guided communication media.

Ans: Guided media are cable line through which data flow in a specified path.


17) What is un-guided communication media?

Ans: Unguided communication media are the data signal flow through the air.


18) Define Network Operating System (NOS)

Ans: NOS is the software that allows multiple computers to communicate, share files and hardware devices with one another. 


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19) Who is Network Administrator?

Ans: A person who implements, manages and troubleshoots a network system is known as network administrator.

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