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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Fundamental Questions of DBMS

Fundamental Questions of DBMS

Fundamental Questions of DBMS


A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software system that enables users to store, organize, and retrieve data from a database. It is an essential component of modern software development, as it provides a systematic approach to data management. The fundamental questions of DBMS are the key concepts that govern the design and functionality of a database. In this article, we will explore these fundamental questions of DBMS for SEE students.

A.   Very short Answer Questions

1) Define Data    (SEE 2073)

Ans: Data is the collection of facts.


2) What is information  (SLC 2070)

Ans: Information is organized or classified data, which has some meaningful values for the receiver.


3) What do you mean by Database? (SEE 2073. 2074)

Ans: Database is the collection of information in organized form.


4) Define Database Management System.

Ans: DBMS is a software package designed to define, manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a database.


5) What is cell?

Ans: A cell is a intersection of row and columns.


 6) Define field?

Ans: Field is an element in which one piece of information is stored


7)  What is a tuple?

Ans: A single entry in a table is called a Tuple

 8) What do you mean by record?

Ans:  A record is a collection of multiple related fields.

 9) What is table?

Ans: A table is a collection of rows having one or more columns.


10) What is purpose of table?

Ans: Table is used to store the data and information.


11)  Which data type is used to store alpha numeric characters or special symbols in MS- Access?

Ans: Text data type is used to store alpha numeric characters or special symbols in MS-Access.


 12. Name the view is used to modify a table in MS-Access?

Ans: Design view is used to modify a table in MS-Access.


13) What is relationship in database?

Ans: A relationship is a link between two or more tables.

 14)  What is Primary key?  (SEE 2073)

Ans:  A primary key is the field that uniquely identifies each record in a table.

 15)  Which objects of Ms-Access is used to enter the data?

Ans: Form and Table are used to enter the data.

 16)  In which object of Ms-Access we can display the data by giving criteria and condition.

Ans: Query is the object of Ms-Access where we can display the data by giving criteria and condition.

 17)  Which object of Ms-Access is used to display the data in printed format?

Ans: Report is the object of Ms-Access which is used to display the data in printed format.


18) Which data type of Ms-Access is used to store graphics, picture and sound.

Ans: OLE is the object of Ms-Access which is used to store graphics, picture and sound.


19) Which field property of Ms-Access is used to limits the value to be entered in the field.

Ans: Validation rule is used to limits the value to be entered in the field.


20) What is the program that enables you to create, access and manage a database called?

Ans: Database Management System is the program used to create, access and manage a database.

B.    Short Answer Questions

1)  Write the difference between data and information.

Ans: Following are the difference between data and information.




Data is the collection of facts.

Information is processed data

It doesn't depend on Information.

It depends upon data.

It can't be used for decision making

It is widely used for decision making.


 2) What do you mean by Database?    (SEE 2073. 2074) Give Examples.  (SLC 2068, supp. 2070, SEE 2072, SEE 2073 supp)

Ans: A database is the collection of data that is organized so that its contents can easily be accessed, managed and updated.

Examples: Result sheet, Dictionary, Inventory etc..


3) Write the importance of Database.

The importance of database are as follows:

i) Data can be stored in a small area.

ii) Computerized database save time while searching specific data.

iii) Database can store the data for the long time.

iv) Computerized database save data from being lost.


4) Write advantages of computerized database. (SLC 2071)

Ans: Following are the advantages of computerized database:

i)  Efficient data access

ii) It provides data integrity and security

iii) Easy in data administration or data management

iv) Provides concurrent access


 5) What is Database Management System (DBMS)?  (Specification grid – 2065)

Ans: Database management system is a collection of software that manages data stored in database. It is a collection of software which is used to store data, records, process them and obtained desired information.


6) List some popular database management system software.

Ans: Some popular DBMS software are as here under:

Dbase,  FoxPro, Ms-Access, Oracle,  Sybase,  SQL , My SQL etc..


 7) Write the features of DBMS.

Ans: The features of DBMS are as follows:

i) Easy to add new data

ii) Easy to modify the data

iii) Delete existing data

iv) It reduces the data redundancy.

v) It provides data security and privacy.

vi) Sorting and indexing data.

vii) Easy to search the data

viii) Print the formatted report

ix) It can use SQL.


8) Write advantages (SEE 2075) and disadvantages of DBMS.


i) It reduces data redundancy.

ii) It allows sharing data among different users and programs.

iii) Easy for editing, adding and removing of data.

iv) Mass storage of data can be stored in small disc.

v) It provides better interacting environment to the user.


i) Costly and time consuming procedures.

ii) Additional hardware and software may be required.

iii) Qualified personal required to operate.

iv)  Data security problem may be occurred.


9) Write the different elements of Database.

Ans: Different elements of database are as follows:


It is the smallest unit of database. It is a place where many type of information are stored. It corresponds to a column in the physical database. Example: Name, age,  phone etc. It is a basic unit of information.


A record is a collection of multiple related fields, which may give complete information about a person or thing. It corresponds to a row in a physical database.


A table is a collection of records or group of records. 


A record row in database is called tuple.


The index is used to keep the data in organized form and helps faster retrieval data.


A cell is a intersection of row and columns.


A character is a basic unit of data that can be letter or digit or specific symbol.


A file is a group of same type of entities or records.


10) What is Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)?

Ans: RDBMS is the most widely used type of DBMS. In addition to storage and timely retrieval of data it also preserves the relationship between different set of data.


11) What is relationship?

Ans: A relationship is a link between two or more tables, so that we can work with them much as we do a single table.


12) Why is relationship needed?

Ans: When we create forms, query and reports we can pull information from more than one tables. This work can be done by creating suitable relationship among tables.


13)  List the different types of relationship in DBMS.

Ans: Foloowing are the different types of relationship in DBMS.

i) One to one            eg. Driver and car

ii) One to many        eg. Teacher and students

iii) Many to many    eg. Books and readers

iv) Many to one        eg. Students and school


14) What is Primary key? (SEE 2073)

Ans: A primary key is the field that uniquely identifies each record in a table. Each record in the table must be unique.


15) Write the importance of primary key. (SEE 2073, SEE 2075)

Ans: A primary key is used to avoid data redundancy or non repletion of data. Primary key is declared for unique field eg. Rollno, acno, symbolno etc..


16)  What is Compound key (Composite key)?

Ans: A compound key is a key that consists of multiple columns because one column is not sufficient uniqueness.


 17) Define Foreign key.

Ans: A foreign key is the linking pin between two tables.


18) What is Microsoft Access?

Ans:  Microsoft Access is a desktop database management system, where data are arranged in the form of tables. It allows the user to create database, add, edit, delete, sort and print the records.


19) List the different Objects of Ms-Access. (SLC 2071)

Ans: In Access all objects of a table are stored in a single file. The file name default extension is .MDB (Microsoft database).

 The objects Ms-Access are as follows:

i) Table

ii) Query

iii) Form

iv) Report

v) Macro

vi) Module


20) Write the Features of Ms-Access.

Ans: The features of Ms-Access are as follows:

i) The table store information.

ii) It is easy to add, edit, delete and display the data.

iii) It provides useful database features table, forms, reports and query.

iv) It store the data with other applications such as word, excel and webpage.

v) It incorporate other language like SQL, Macro and Visual Basic (VB)


21) What is Table? Write the importance of table.

Ans: It is one of the objects of Ms-Access. A table is the collection of data about the specific topic.

i) Importance of table:

ii) To store the data about specific topic.

iii) It holds the main information.

iv) It facilitates grouping and storing the relevant data.


22) In how many ways you can create a table?

Ans: We can create a table in following ways:

i) Design view

ii) Using wizard

iii) By entering data


23) What is Query? (SEE 2072) Write the importance of query.  (Specification Grid – 2065)

Ans: Query is one of the most important objects of Ms-Access. It is used to display the information on the basis of specific condition.

Importance of query:

i) It display the result of different tables.

ii) It sorts and filter the data.

iii) It manipulates the data according the user choice.

iv) It can be used as a source of records for forms and reports.


24)  What can you do in query?

i) In what order the field should appear.

ii) To view, change and analyze the data.

iii) To give criteria for each field.

iv) To display the records, joining tables and displaying results.


25) Write the different ways of creating query.

i) Using wizard

ii) Using design view


26)  List the different types of query.

i)  Select query

ii) Action query

iii) Cross tab query

iv) SQL query


 27) Write the different types f action query.

i) Append query

ii) Delete query

iii) Update query

iv) Make table query


28) What is Forms?  (SLC 2068, SEE 2073 Supp.) Write the importance of form. (SLC 2070 Supp.)

Ans: A form is a database object which is designed to enter new records and edit existing records easily.

Importance of Form:

i) It is used to make modification or addition of the data directly into the table.

ii) To view the table in user defined manner.

iii) You can control and enhance the way your data looks on the screen.

iv) You can perform extensive editing of data using macros and VB procedures.

v) You can link multiple form or reports by using macros or VB procedures that are run from buttons.


29) Write the Advantages of form over table.

Ans: Following are the advantages of form over table.

i) Forms are easier to enter data than table.

ii) It is easier to make modification than table.

iii) It is easier to focus on just information needed.

iv) In form in your own way you can design on the screen.

v) You can perform editing of data using macros or visual basic procedures.


30) Write the different ways of creating form.

i) Auto form

ii) Using wizard

iii) Using form object


31) List the different controls used in Forms.

i) Selecting control

ii) Moving control

iii) Grouping control

iv) Resizing control

v) Aligning control


32)  What is Report? Write the importance of report. (SLC 2070)

Ans: It is a very important object of a database. A report is an effective way of presenting your data in a printed format or on screen softcopy.

Importance of report:

i) It allows complete output of the processing a database.

ii) Reports can compare, summarize and subtotal large set of data.

iii) Reports can be created to produce attractive invoices, purchase order, mailing and labels.

iv) Before print you view the document.


33)  In how many way you can create a report?

i) Auto report

ii) Report wizard


34) What is Wizard?

Ans: A wizard is a small program that interviews us, asking questions about what we want to accomplish, then it takes over answers and creates the table, query or whatever according to our specification.


35)       Difference between design view and wizard.

Design view


It takes more time.

It saves our time

We can make our own design

We can choose formats from pre-mode one.


36) What is Data type? List the different data types used in Ms-Access. (Spec. grid–2065, SLC 2070, supp 2070, SEE 2072, SEE 2073, 2074)

Ans: Data type is an attribute for a field that determines what type of data it can contain. Following are the data types used in Ms-Access:


Data type

Types of data



Text of combination of text and numbers

Up to 255 characters


Lengthy text or combination of text and numbers

Up to 65,535 characters


Numeric data



Without decimal

Large integer

Without decimal



1,2,4,8,16 bytes

starts 0 to 255

- 32768 to 32767

2 bytes

approx. 2 billion

2 billion

stores with 6 digits, 4 bytes

stores 10 digits, 8 bytes


Enter date and time for the year 100 through 9999

8 bytes


Currency values and numeric values 1 to 4 decimal

8 bytes

Auto number

A unique sequential (increment by 1)

4 bytes


Yes and No values and fields that contain any one of the value (Y/N, T/F, On/Off)

1 bit (0 or 1)

OLE object

An object (word, excel, graphics, picture, sound etc.)

Up to 1 GB


Text or combination of text and numbers.

Up to 2048 characters


37) List the different types of Field properties of database:

Ans: Field properties of database.



Field size

Maximum number of characters or value you can enter.


It gives the layout for the field.

Input Mask

A way/patterned of data to be entered.


The label of field.

Decimal places

The number of digit to the right of decimal place.

Also read : E-Commerce

Default value

The value automatically enters for the new record.

Validation rule

An expression that limits the value to be entered in the field.


The data should be entered.

Allow zero length

Permit the zero length of string


It speed up the searches and sorting operation

38) Define Sorting (SLC 2068, 2071, SEE 2073 Supp.) and filtering.


Arranging the records in a particular order of a field is known as sorting. The order of  sorting may be entered in ascending order (A-Z) or descending order (Z-A)


Filtering is an activity by which specified records only can be seen on the basis of criteria.


39) Difference between database and DBMS.

Ans: Following are the difference between database and DBMS



It is a collection of facts or data.

It is software to manage database.

It consists of data.

It manages data stored in database.

It is a part of DBMS.

It is a software system which contain database

It is not secured.

It is secured.

E.g. Result sheet, inventory, salary sheet etc..

E.g. Ms-Access, FoxPro, SQL, Oracal etc..

40) What is Field size?

Ans: Field size property to set maximum size for data stored in a fixed set to the text, number or auto number data type.


41) Difference between number and autonumber.

Number: It is used to enter the number in the field.

Autonumber:  It will insert  automatically unique number in the row. 


42) What is database? Give two examples. (SLC 2069)

Ans:    Database is a collection of related data that can be used for multiple purpose. Two examples of database are telephone directory, students record, Dictionary etc.


43) Write any two uses of primary key? (SLC 2069)

Ans: Two uses of primary key are:

i) Use to uniquely identify the each record in database.

ii) Prevents data redundancy in the primary key field.


44) What is query?     (SLC 2069)

Ans: Query is an object of Ms-Access which is used to take different types of action on database. There are two types of Queries that is Action query and select query.


45) What is data redundancy? How can it be reduced in database? (SEE 2074)

Ans: The repetition of same piece of data in a database in more than one location is called data   redundancy. Data redundancy can be minimized by normalization of database.

46) Write any two functions of form.  (SEE 2075)

Ans: Any two functions of form are

i) It allows designing the layout of field on screen in any arrangement.

ii) It shows only the information we want to see.


47)       Differentiate between fields and records with an example.  (SEE 2075 State 2)



A column in a table is called field, and it contains a specific piece of information within a record.

Record is a collection of multiple related fields. 

E.g.: Name, Address, Telephone

E.g.: Ram Chabahil 4468790



In conclusion, the fundamental questions of DBMS are essential concepts that every SEE student should understand. Data integrity, data security, data consistency, data retrieval, and database definition are the fundamental questions of DBMS, which form the foundation of data management. A clear understanding of these concepts can help SEE students design and implement efficient and reliable systems that meet the needs of their users. In today's digital world, the importance of data management cannot be overstated, and a good understanding of DBMS fundamentals is a key to success in this field.

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