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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Short Questions Answer of Contemporary Technology for SEE

 Contemporary Technology

Short Questions Answer of Contemporary Technology

1) What is cloud computing? List some examples of cloud service providers.

Ans: The following are some examples of cloud service providers.

i) Amazon Web Service (AWS)

ii) Microsoft Azure

iii) Google Cloud Platform

iv) IBM Cloud Services

vi) Adobe Creative Cloud

vii) Red Hat

viii) Oracle Cloud

ix) SAP

x) Dropbox


2) Write the benefits and limitations of cloud computing.

Ans: Following are the benefits and limitations of cloud computing.


i) Less capital expenditure

ii) Improved disaster recovery

iii) Cloud platforms can be easier and quicker to administer

iv) Anywhere, Anytime Collaboration

v) Backup and recovery

vi) Reduced Support and Hardware Needs


i) Security and Availability

ii) Cloud Vendors Going Out of Business

iii) Requires good speed internet with good bandwidth

iv) Technical Issues

v) Limited Features

vi) Restricted or limited flexibility


3) List the uses of cloud computing.

Ans: Here are a few uses of cloud computing:

i) File storage and sharing

ii) Backup and recovery

iii) E-commerce application

iv) Cloud database

v) Communication (e-mail, Skype, Whatsapp)

vi) Application development

vii) Social Networking (Facebook LinkedIn, Twitter etc..)


4) Explain the different types of cloud computing.

Ans: The following are the three different types of cloud computing:

i. Public cloud

Public clouds are owned and operated by third-party cloud service providers, which deliver their computing resources like servers and storage over the Internet.

 ii. Private Cloud

A private cloud refers to cloud computing resources used exclusively by a single business or organization.

 iii. Hybrid cloud

Hybrid clouds combine public and private clouds linked by technology that allows data and applications to be shared between them.


5)  Explain the services of cloud computing with examples.

Ans: Generally, cloud computing services are categorized into three types.

i) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): 

This service provides the infrastructure like Servers, Operating Systems, Virtual Machines, Networks, and Storage on rent basis.

Example : Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure

 ii) Platform as a Service (PaaS): This service is used in developing, testing, and maintaining software. PaaS is the same as IaaS but also provides additional tools like DBMS  service.

Example: Apprenda, Red Hat Open Shift

 iii) Software as a Service (SaaS): This service  causes users to connect to the application via the Internet on a subscription basis.

E.g: Google Applications, Salesforce


6)  What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? List the different components of AI.

Ans:    Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.

Following are the different components of AI

i) Pattern reorganization

ii) Logic generate

iii) New learning from experience

iv) Genetic programming is possible


7) Write the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Ans: Advantages of Disadvantages of AI

Advantages of AI:

i) Less Errors

ii) Faster decision and right decision

iii) Work in risky situation

iv) Can work 24 X 7

v) Tireless, selfless and with no breaks

vi) Medical applications

 Disadvantages of AI:

i) Can be very expensive

ii) Not able to work outside of what they are programmed to do

ii) Unemployment may rise

iv) Dependency on Machines

v) Lacks in creativity


8) List the different application area of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Ans: AI has been dominant in various fields such as:

i) Gaming

ii) Natural Language Processing 

iii) Expert Systems 

iv) Vision Systems 

v) Speech Recognition 

vi) Handwriting Recognition 

vii) Intelligent Robots 


9) What is Virtual Reality? List some companies related to VR.

Ans: An artificial environment created by different computer software and hardware which is just look like as a real.

Following are the some VR companies.

i) Google Cardboard

ii) Samsung Gear VR

iii) Oculus Rift

iv) HTC Vive

v) Sony PlayStation VR 


10) List the application area of Virtual Reality (VR)

Ans: The following are the different application areas of VR

i) Sport

ii) Healthcare

iii) Education

iv) Engineering

v) Social apps

vi) Cinemas


11) Define e-government and e-governance.


E-government (short for electronic government) is the use of technological communications devices, such as computers and the Internet to provide public services to citizens and other persons in a country or region.


E-governance, expands to electronic governance, is the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) . 


12) Write the difference between e-government and e-governance.

Ans: The following are the differences between e-government and e-governance.




The application of ICT, with the aim of supporting government operations, aware citizens and deliver services is called as e-Government.

e-governance refers to the effective use of ICTs to increase the amount and quality of information and services provided to the public.

It is one way protocol.

It is two way protocol.

Citizens are recipients.

Citizen are participants.

It is a system.

It is a functionality.


13) Explain the different types of e-governance.

Ans: There are different types of e-governance they are as follows:

G2C (Government to Citizens) : Interaction between the government and the citizens.

i) Easy to deliver public service 

ii) Easy to expand government facilities and services to general public.

Expands the accessibility and availability of government services and also improves the quality of services

iii) The primary aim is to make government citizen-friendly.

 G2B (Government to Business):

i) It is easy for business community to connect with government

 ii) All the activities of government and business more transparent.

iii) The G2B initiatives help in services such as licensing, procurement, permits and revenue collection.

G2G (Government to Government)

i) Enables seamless interaction between various government entities.

ii) This kind of interaction can be between various departments and agencies within government or between two governments like the union and state governments or between state governments.

iii) The primary aim is to increase efficiency, performance and output.

 G2E (Government to Employees)

i) This kind of interaction is between the government and its employees.

ii) ICT tools help in making these interactions fast and efficient and thus increases the satisfaction levels of employees.


14) List the benefits of e-governance?

Ans: Benefits of e-Governance:

i) Better provision of government services

ii) Improved interaction with different groups

iii) Citizen empowerment through access to information

iv) Efficient government management

v) Cost reductions and revenue growth

vi) Reduces paperwork

vii) Expanded reach of government

viii) High transparency


15) What do you mean by mobile computing? Write its components.

Ans:   Mobile computing is a technology through which data, information can transfer with the help of wireless devices.  Following are the components of mobile computing.

i) Mobile Hardware

ii) Mobile software

iii) Mobile communication


16) Define mobile hardware and mobile software with examples.

Ans: Mobile hardware: It includes mobile devices or device components that receive or access the service of mobility.

Examples of mobile hardware:

i) Laptops

ii) Smartphone

iii) Tablets

iv) eReaders (i.e. Kindle)

v) Handheld Gaming Devices (i.e. Nintendo 3DS)

vi) Wearable Devices (i.e. Apple Watch)

 Mobile Software: Mobile software is the actual program that runs on the mobile hardware.

Examples of Mobile software are:

i) Apple iOS

ii) Google Android

iii) Windows Phone

iv) Blackberry


17) Write the advantages and disadvantages of mobile computing.

Ans: Advantages of Mobile Computing

i) Easy to operate

ii) Touch screen

iii) Wireless

iv) Any where access facility

v) Easy to carry

vi) Entertainment

vii) Cloud computing

 Disadvantages of Mobile Computing:

i) Insufficient bandwidth

ii) Security problems

iii) Power consumption

iv) Small screen of most device still limit types of file and data transfer (i.e streaming video)

v) Malware / Virus

vi) Increase in global stress levels 

vii) Total waste of humanity playing idiotic social games


18) What do you mean by Internet of Things (IoT)

Ans:  The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interconnected computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, and the ability to transmit data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

IoT, in simpler terms, is a technology that connects all electronic devices together and prompts them to exchange information without any human intervention.


19)  Write the different application area of Internet of Things (IoT).

Ans:    Application areas of IoT are as here under.

i) Smart Home

ii) Smart Cities

iii) Connected Car

iv) Farming

v) Health Care

vi) Industrial Automation


20) List the merits and demerits of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Ans: Merits and Demerits of the Internet of Things


i) Easy access to information.

ii) Cost effective

iii) Easy to monitor and control things

iv) Tracking ability

v) Quick response


i) Data Security

ii) Personal security

iii) Bullying, trolls

iv) Addiction and time waste

v) Virus and hacking

vi) Over Dependency on Technology


21) Why Is IoT so important?

Ans: Over the past few years, IoT has become one of the most important technologies of the 21st century. Now that we can connect everyday objects-kitchen appliances, cars, and baby monitors to the internet via embedded devices, seamless communication is possible between people, processes, and things.

By means of low-cost computing, the cloud, big data, analytics, and mobile technologies, physical things can share and collect data with minimal human intervention. In this hyper-connected world, digital systems can record, monitor, and adjust each interaction between connected things. The physical world meets the digital world and they cooperate by the use of IoT.


22) What is e-learning? List some examples of e-learning.

Ans:   E-learning, also called online learning or e-learning, is the acquisition of knowledge that occurs through technology and electronic media.

Following are the some examples of e-learning.

i) Computer-Based Training (CBT)

ii) Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)

iii) Internet Based Training (IBT)

iv) Web-Based Training (WBT)


23) Explain the different types of e-learning.

Ans: The Types of eLearning

a. Synchronous  E-learning

Synchronous eLearning is also known as  real-time learning. In synchronous learning, the learners and the teacher are online and interact at the same time from different locations.


i) Virtual Classroom

ii) Audio and Video Conferencing

iii) Chat

iv) Application Sharing

v) Messaging instantly


b.  Asynchronous  E-learning

Asynchronous eLearning is a pause-and-resume kind of learning.  In this type of e-learning, the learner and the teacher cannot be online at the same time.


i) email

ii) blogs

iii) discussion forums

iv) eBook’s

v) DVDs,


24) Write the advantages of e-learning.

Ans: Advantages of e-Learning:

i) Access by learners to teachers and resources, world wide

ii) Aiding equal opportunity.

iii) Immediate access to information.

iv) Reduce travel cost and time.

v) New educational approaches can be used.

vi) Its cost is less than regular classes

vii) Student-centric learning


25) Write the importance of Internet of Things (IoT) technology.

Ans: The following are the importance of IoT technology.

i) IoT promotes efficient resource utilization.

ii) It minimizes human efforts in many life aspects.

iii) Enabling IoT will reduce the cost of production and maximize the returns

iv) It makes analytics decisions faster and accurately

v) It boosts the real-time marketing of products

vi) Provide a better client experience

vii) Buy and sell goods and services

26) What is IoT? Write any two importance of it. (Specification Grid 2077)

Ans: Internet of Things (IOT) is a recent technology that creates a global network of machines and devices that are capable of communicating and exchanging data with each other through the Internet.
Importance of IOT:
i) Ability to track and monitor things
ii) Increases efficiency by saving money and resources
iii) It makes analytics decisions faster and more accurately

27) What is e-governance? List its advantages and disadvantages.
Ans: E-governance is a set of services provided by the government to the public via electronic media especially using the Internet.
i) Increased convenience for the public and businesses to service of government
ii) High transparency
iii) Corruption will be reduced.
iv) Expanded reach of government to all public.

i) Loss of interpersonal communication.
ii) The setup cost is very high.
iii) People who don't know how to operate computers and smartphones will be very difficult for them to access and understand.
iv) There may be a chance of data and information being hacked and misused.

28) Define virtual reality. Write any two areas where virtual reality is used. (SEE 2079)
Ans: Virtual reality (VR) refers to a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way through the use of specialized equipment such as a headset or gloves.
Following are the two areas where virtual reality is used:
i) Entertainment and gaming
ii) Education and training

29) How can contemporary technology be used in education?
Ans: Contemporary technology enhances education through e-learning platforms, interactive study materials, and virtual classrooms, making learning more engaging and accessible.

30) How can we use technology responsibly?
Ans: Using technology responsibly involves being mindful of screen time, protecting personal information, and using it for constructive purposes like learning and communication.

31) How can contemporary technology contribute to a sustainable future?
Ans: Contemporary technology can help achieve sustainability goals through innovations like renewable energy sources, eco-friendly practices, and efficient transportation systems. Remember, contemporary technology can empower us, but it's essential to use it wisely and responsibly for the benefit of society and the environment.

32) How can the public benefit from e-governance services?
Ans: The public can get benefit from e-governance in the following ways:
i) E-governance initiatives promote transparency by making information about
government operations, decisions, and procedures available online.
ii) E-governance allows citizens to access government services online from anywhere and
at any time
iii) Accessing services online reduces the costs associated with travel and waiting times
for citizens.
iv) By reducing the need for paper-based processes, e-governance contributes to
environmental sustainability.

33) Give two differences between e-commerce and traditional commerce. (SEE grade promotion exam 2079)

Ans: Following are the difference between e-commerce and traditional commerce.


Traditional Commerce

The buying and selling of goods and services over the internet.

The buying and selling of goods and services in a physical store.

Online communication, such as email, chat, and social media are used

Face-to-face communication.

Payment methods like Credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, and online payment systems used.

Payment methods like Cash, checks, credit cards, and debit cards are used.

Available 24/7, anywhere in the world.

Limited to the hours that the store is open and the physical location of the store.

34) What is online payment? Write some different modes of electronic payment.
Ans: Online payment refers to transferring funds or payment for goods and services using the Internet or electronic means.
Some different modes of electronic payment include:
i) Online banking
ii) Digital wallets or e-wallets
iii)Mobile payments or mobile wallets
iv) Cryptocurrencies or digital currencies

35) Define e-commerce? Write any two benefits of it. (SEE 2078)

Ans: Selling and buying goods through internet is known as e-commerce.
Following are the benefits of e-commerce.
i) Product and price can be comparing with other product.
ii) It reduces infrastructure cost.

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