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Saturday, July 16, 2022

C Program to Find the Smallest Number Among Input Three Numbers

 C Program to Find the Smallest Number Among Input Three Numbers

C Program to Find the Smallest Number Among Input Three Numbers


As a beginner in programming, learning how to write a C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers is an essential skill. This program helps you understand the fundamental concepts of conditional statements and logical operators, which are essential in programming. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to write a C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how this program works and how to implement it in your code.

Understanding the Problem

Before we start writing our C program, let's first understand the problem. We want to find the smallest number among three input numbers. To solve this problem, we need to compare the three input numbers and find the smallest one. To compare numbers in C, we use conditional statements and logical operators.

Writing the C Program

Now that we understand the problem, let's start writing our C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers. Here are the steps we need to follow:
  1. Start by including the necessary header files. We will use stdio.h for input and output operations.
  2. Declare three integer variables to store the input numbers.
  3. Use the printf function to prompt the user to enter the three input numbers.
  4. Use the scanf function to read the three input numbers and store them in the variables.
  5. Compare the three input numbers using conditional statements and logical operators to find the smallest number.
  6. Use the printf function to display the smallest number to the user.

Here is the code for the C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers:


In this program, we first declare four integer variables num1, num2, num3, and smallest. We then prompt the user to input three numbers using the printf() and scanf() functions.

We initialize the variable smallest to num1. We then use if-else statements to compare the remaining two numbers with the smallest and update their value accordingly.

The if condition checks whether num2 is the less than smallest. If it is, we update smallest to num2. Similarly, we compare num3 with smallest and update its value if it is less than the smallest.

Finally, we print the value of the smallest using the printf() function


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers?
Ans: A C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers is a program that takes three numbers as input and finds the smallest number among the three.

Q: Why is it important to learn how to write a C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers?
Ans: Learning how to write a C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers is important because it teaches you fundamental programming concepts, such as conditional statements and logical operators, which are essential in programming.

Q: What other programming concepts can I learn by writing a C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers?
Ans: By writing a C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers, you can also learn about data types, input and output operations, and basic arithmetic operations.


In conclusion, learning how to write a C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers is an essential skill for any beginner in programming. By understanding conditional statements and logical operators, you can write more complex programs and build your programming skills. We hope this step-by-step guide has been helpful in teaching you how to write a C program to find the smallest number among input three numbers. Remember to practice and experiment with different values to gain a deeper understanding of how the program works.

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