Computer for SEE and NEB

It is a complete SEE and NEB solution for computer science. It includes Computer Fundamentals, Database (SQL), Programming in C QBASIC, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP for beginners.


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Sunday, June 19, 2022

NEB Question model of computer science for grade 11 SET 2

 NEB Question model of computer science for grade 11 SET 2

Sub: Computer Science                                                                            F.M: 50

Grade: XI

Time: 1:30 hrs.


Students are required to answer the questions in their own language as far as practicable:


Group ‘A’

Multiple choice questions

Tick the right answers                                                          9×1=9

1. Which of the following is input and output device?

i) Keyboard     ii) Scanner       iii) Touch screen          iv) Printer


2. Which is valid C expression?
i) int my_num = 100,000;       ii) int my_num = 100000;
iii) int my num = 1000;           iv) int $my_num = 10000;


3.  Which of the following can read and render HTML web pages?

i) Server                       ii) Web browser

iii) Tags                       iv) Search engine


4. Which of the following is a features that displays only the data in column (s) according to specified criteria

i) Formula                    ii) Sorting

iii) Filtering                 iv) Pivot


5. Firewalls are basically used to protect against _________

i) Unauthorized Attacks         ii) Virus Attacks

iii) Data Driven Attacks          iv) Fire Attacks


6.  __________ are universal gates

i) NOT                                     ii) NAND & NOR

iii) AND                                  iv) NOT, AND & OR


7. Which of the following is not an operating system?

i) Windows                             ii) Linux

iii) Oracle                                iv) DOS


 8. Hyper text ……… with another webpage.

i. Links            ii. Hides

iii. Deletes       iv. All of above


9. Which of the following has the highest storage?

i) Megabyte                 ii) Gigabyte                                        

iii) Terabyte                 iv) Kilobyte


Group ‘B’

Short answer questions

Answer the following questions    5×5=25

1. Write the correct steps to convert Hexadecimal number to binary and explain it with example. 2+3

2) Explain the different types of operating system on the basis of user interface.          5

3) Explain how multimedia effects in the field of education and communication? 2.5+2.5


Define Internet. Explain its positive and negative impact on society.   1+2+2

4) What is computer virus? List any five symptoms of computer virus.  1+5

5) What is operator in ‘C’ programming? List its types and explain about relation operator.      1+1+3


What is word processing? Write the different features of electronic word processing. 1+4


Group ‘C’

Long answer questions

Attempt any 2 questions:        2×8=16

1) What is computer system? Explain the different components of computer system with the help of block diagram.     2+6


Write a ‘C’ program to input salary of 50 employees and count all the employee who gets salary more then 40000.    8

2) Explain any 4 logic gates with truth table and circuit diagram.     8

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