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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Header files in 'C' programming for SEE and NEB


Header files in 'C' programming for SEE and NEB

Header files in 'C' programming for SEE and NEB


Header files in C programming language are files that contain definitions of various functions, macros, and data types. These header files are essential for the proper functioning of C programs as they provide the necessary information to the compiler about the various functions and data types used in the program. In this article, we will discuss the header files in C programming for SEE and NEB


#include <file>


#include "file"

Some header files are given below:

Header files


Supported commands


It contain the function definition of input output functions.

printf(), scanf(), gets(), puts() etc.


It is used to console input output.

getch(), clrscr() etc.


It is used to string processing functions.

strlen(), strcpy(). strlwr(), strcat(), strcmp() etc


It is used to solve the mathematical calculation.

Sqrt(), sin(), cos(), pow(),log() etc.


It is used to execute the graphics commands.

line(), circle(), rectangle() etc.


It is used for character handling or testing characters.

isupper(), islower(), isalpha()


void main() { } : It is a Function Name.

It marks the beginning of the program that gets executed when the program is run.


printf(“Welcome to C programming\n”); It is an executable statement.

This statement calls the function name printf with the help of header file <stdio.h>. printf function displays the message “Welcome to C programming”. This message shown to be output is enclosed within double quotes and every statement of ‘C’ programming should be terminated by semicolon.


In conclusion, header files are an essential part of C programming language and are required for the proper functioning of programs used in SEE and NEB level exams. Including the appropriate header files in the program ensures that the program compiles correctly and functions as intended. Additionally, it is important to adhere to the guidelines provided by the examination board when writing programs for these exams. By understanding the importance of header files and following the guidelines, students can create programs that meet the requirements of SEE and NEB level exams.

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