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Monday, March 28, 2022

SEE pre-board examination 2078 of AVN


SEE Pre-Board Examination 2078

Aishwarya Vidya Niketan

Secondary Boarding School

Dhangadhi, Kailali

Subject: Computer Science

Class: -10 Full Marks: 50

Time: 1:30:00 hrs                                                                                         

Attempt ALL the questions.

Group –A [10×1=10]


Group- A [Very Short Answer Question: 10×1=10]

 1. Write one sentence answer:          (6×1=6)

a)      List any two services of internet.

b)      Define firewall.

c)      What do you mean by redundancy?

d)     Write any two field property of MS-Access.

e)      Define procedure?

f)       Write any two characteristics of ‘C’ language.


2. Write appropriate technical term for the following:      (2×1=2)

a.     a)  A device that does demodulations of the signal.

b.     b) Protocol used by the internet.



3.  Write the full forms of the following:                             (2×1=2)

a. WAN           b. SMPT


Group –B [12×2=24]


Group- B [Short Answer Question: 12×2=24]

4. Answer the following questions:                                      (9×2=18)

a)      Differentiate between client/server and peer-to-peer network.

b)      List any four threats of using social media.

c)   What do you mean by information security? List any two computer hardware security mechanisms.

d)   What is online payment? Give any two examples of online payment methods in Nepal.

e)      What is e-learning? Write its advantages.

f)       What is database? Write the importance of database.

g)      What is data type? Name any four data types used in MS-Access.

h)      What is form? Write the advantages of form over table.

i)        Define Sorting and filtering.


5. Write down the output of the given program:   (2)

          DECLARE FUNCTION check (b)


          b = 44

          a = check (b)

          PRINT "total ="; a


          FUNCTION check (b)


           r = b MOD 10

           s = s + r

            b = INT (b / 10)

          LOOP WHILE b <> 0

          check = s

          END FUNCTION


6. Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs:   (2)

REM program to store name, post and salary in data file for few employees.

OPEN “emp.dat” FOR APPEND As #1


INPUT “Enter name”;name

INPUT “Enter post”;post$

INPUT “Enter salary”;sal

WRITE #2, name$,post$,sal

INPUT “Do you want to more records”;ch$

IF UCASE$(ch$)=”Y” THEN GOTO top






7. Study the following program and answer the given questions: (2×1=2)



INPUT “Enter string”;R$



 SUB avn (t$)

FOR I = 1 TO LEN(A$)





a. Write the name of procedure used in the above program.

b. List out all the real and formal parameters used in the above program.



Group –C [4×4=16]

Group –C [Long Answer Questions 4×4=16]


8.Convert / Calculate as per the instruction:         

     a) Convert the following as instructed.                          (2×1=2)

                    i.            (520)10   into Octal Number

                  ii.            (A2C)16 into Binary


b) Perform the following binary calculations.                    (2×1=2)

                    i.            (11011)2 × (110)2  - (11101)2

                  ii.            Divide (1011)­2 by (10)2


9. Write a program in QBASIC that allow user to enter the length and breadth of rectangle. Create a user define function to find the area of rectangle and sub procedure to find perimeter of rectangle. 4


10.A sequential data file "LIB.DAT" consists of book's name, author's name and price of book. Write a program to count and display the total number of records present in the file. 4


11. Write a program in ‘C’ language to display whether input number is perfectly divisible by 7 or not. 4


Write a program in ‘C’ Language to display first ten natural number.

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