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Friday, March 11, 2022

Computer Programming Language and types of programming language


Computer Programming Language and types of programming language

Computer Programming Language and types of programming language

Programming language

Computer programming languages are a set of instructions and commands used to create software, applications, and websites. They are essential tools for developers, allowing them to write code that can be executed by a computer to perform a specific task. With so many programming languages available today, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your project. In this article, we will explore different types of programming languages and their characteristics.


Types of Programming Languages:

Following are the different types of programming languages.

i) Low Level Language

ii) High Level Language

ii) Natural Language


i. Low Level Language

Low level languages are programming languages whose codes are very close to the machine codes (1 and 0). In the language detail knowledge of hardware required because all the codes are written in binary.

There are two types of low-level languages.

  • Machine Language
  • Assembly Language


Machine Language (1 GL):

Machine language is the fundamental computer language. It uses strings of zeros and ones (0,1) which are readable by the hardware. The machine language code is directly readable by CPU. This increases the speed of processing. A single human error in placement of zero and one can cause the program to produce wrong result.

Merits Machine Language:


  • Directly understands by CPU.
  • It takes less time to execution.


Demerits of Machine Language:

  • Machine dependent.
  • Difficult to program
  • Difficult to modify
  • Hardware knowledge required.
  • Difficult to find out the errors.


Assembly/Symbolic Language (2 GL):

Symbolic language is the nearest to the machine language. Each part of the instructions is written in form of number, alphabets and alphanumeric. The codes or symbols which are used in symbolic language are called MNEMONIC code. The instructions written in symbolic language are translated into machine instructions by a special program called Assembler. The programs which are written in symbolic language are called source code. The program created by assembler after translation is called as object code.

Examples of symbolic codes are as here under:

STA – Store a register

ADD- Add a contents of register

SUB- It Subtract from contents of a register.

Program writing in symbolic language was relatively easier when compared with machine language code. Program writing was still cumbersome and time consuming. It is easy than machine language and difficult than high level language.

Merits of Symbolic Language:

  • It is easier than machine level language.
  • Easier find and remove the errors.
  • It is easier to modify.
  • It is easy to re-locatable.


Demerits of Symbolic Language:

  • It is machine dependent.
  • Hardware knowledge is required.
  • It uses machine level coding.
  • Assembler is required to translate the program.


ii. High Level Language

High level languages are more near to human language. The instructions are written in human language which is followed by specific syntax. The program written in high level language is termed as Source code. Object code is a converted version in machine readable format. The conversion of source code into object code is accomplished through a process called compilation. It is done by interpreter or compiler. The high level programming languages normally are machine independent.

High level languages are easier to learn as compared with the symbolic language. It provides better documentation facilities which make the maintains of program easier.

Merits of High Level Language:

  • Machine independent.
  • It is easy to learn and write.
  • Easy to find out bug and remove it.
  • It is easy to maintain.
  • Better documentation.

Demerits of High Level Language:

  • Execute very slowly.
  • It language translator.
  •  Less efficiency.
  • Less flexibility.

Procedure-oriented Languages or 3GL

The languages which are used to solve the problem in a specific sequence is known as procedural language. This language contains certain set of vocabulary, called keywords, and symbols. It is also known as 3GL (Third generation Language)

Advantages of procedure-oriented languages are as here under:

  • It is easy to use because statements are written in simple English language.
  • It takes less time to develop program.
  • It is easier to understand and modify.
  • Easy to find out bugs and debug it.
  • It is machine independent.
  • The program is machine independent.
  • Examples: COBOL, PASCAL, FORTRAN, C etc.


Problem-oriented Languages or 4GL

This language is closer to natural language than third generation language. This language does not need step by step instruction. Detail code is not required in 4GL. 4GLs are generally database oriented and allow the user to develop their own applications. It is easy to use and operate for the common people. Examples of 4GLs are SQL PLUS for databases HTML and PHP for World Wide Web content.

The advantages of problem-oriented languages are as follows.

  • Hardware knowledge is not required.
  • Varieties of languages are available.
  • Easy to find the bugs and debug them.
  • It is user friendly, easy to learn and use.
  • Coding is faster and easier.
  • Codes are reusable.

Disadvantages of high level languages:

  • Compiler or interpreter is required to convert into machine code.
  • It takes more time to execute.

Difference between 3GL and 4GL





General purpose language

Specific purpose language


Needs step by step instruction

Does not need step by step instructions


Procedures contain large number of instructions

Comparatively fewer instructions.


Every alternatives must be specified

Basic and default alternatives are built in.


Can be used by professional programmers only

Can be used by general users and professional users.


High level language built around the file system

High level language built around the database language.


Examples: Java, PHP, C, BASIC. Etc.



Object-oriented programming languages 

Object-oriented programming (OOP) languages are a type of high-level programming language that uses objects as the basic unit of programming. They are used to build complex software systems, such as video games, graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and databases. Examples of OOP languages include Java, Python, and C++. OOP languages offer several advantages, such as code reusability, modularity, and maintainability.

Scripting programming languages 

Scripting programming languages are a type of programming language that is used to automate tasks and provide quick solutions. They are commonly used in web development, system administration, and automation. Examples of scripting programming languages include Python, Perl, and Ruby. Scripting languages offer several advantages, such as rapid development, easy debugging, and better productivity.

iii. Natural Languages

The language used by human beings is called natural language. The languages such as Nepali, Hindi, English, French Chinese, etc are examples of natural languages. The languages such as C, C++, Java, etc which are used by common computers are artificial languages. Natural languages are supposed to understand human languages. The language is being designed to use for neural networks, expert systems and artificial. The fifth-generation language will be smart computers and will use natural languages. PROLOG and LISP are examples of natural languages.


In conclusion, computer programming languages are essential tools for developers, allowing them to create software, applications, and websites. The type of programming language chosen depends on the requirements of the project, as each type of programming language has its own strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the right programming language can make all the difference in the success of a project.

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