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Thursday, May 19, 2022

NEB Question model of computer science for grade 12 SET 2

 NEB Question model of computer science for grade 12 SET 2



Grade XII

Computer Science

Time: 2:00 Hours

Full Marks:  50





Group: A

Multiple Choice Questions            (9×1=9)

Tick the best alternative.

1. Which of the following is not a DML statement?



2. -----------topology that use multipoint connection.

a. Star  b. Mesh  c. Bus  d. Ring


3. The size of union is determined by the size of --------

a. First member b. largest member c. Sum of size of all members  d. None of the above


4. The layer closest to transmission medium is

a. Transport  b. Physical  c. Network  d. Data link


5. Predict output



$fruits = array_reverse($fruits);



a. mango          b. peach           c.pear  d. apple

6. ------------ cannot be the member of structure.

 a. array   b. structure   c. Function   d. Pointer


7. Which of the following is not agile model?

a. 4GT   b. Extreme programming (XP)    c. AUP    d. Scrum


8. Which of the following OOP concept binds the code and data together and keeps them secure from the outside word?

a. Abstraction  b. Polymorphism c. Encapsulation  d. Inheritance


9. Which of the following is the correct syntax to display "Hello ! AVN" in an alert box using JavaScript

a. ("Hello ! AVN") b. confirm ("Hello ! AVN") c. alert ("Hello ! AVN") d. msgbox ("Hello ! AVN")


Group: B

Write the short answer to the following questions. (5×5=25)

1. Define normalization. List its types and explain any one of them.


Demonstrate DDL statement with example.

2. Write a program to calculate the simple interest by using java script.


Demonstrate the internal CSS implemented in the web pages.

3. Explain the different features of OOPs.

4. What are different stages of software planning (or SDLC)? Describe in brief.

5. Describe about cloud computing an big data.


Group: C

Write the long answer to the following question (2×8=16)

6. What is network architecture? Explain different types of network architecture in detail.

7. Write a program in C to store student rollno, name and mark of 'n' students in a data file. Display all the records in appropriate format reading from the file.


Write program in C to read enrollment of 5 students and their marks of 5 subjects. Display enrollment, total marks, average marks and result.

 Also Read: CDC new question model of computer science for grade 11

Also Read: SEE class 10 Computer Science Model set



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