Computer for SEE and NEB

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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

NEB grade 11 MCQ questions of computer system


NEB grade 11 MCQ questions of Computer System

Tick the best alternative.

1. The result after the processing of data is called…

i) Data ii) Information iii) Output       iv) program


2. 1 GB= …………

i) 1024 KB      ii) 1024 MB     iii) 1024 TB     iv) None


3. Computer cannot do

i) calculations              ii) storing of data        iii) take decision          iv) All


4. The result of computer after entering the wrong data is called

i) Output         ii) Data            iii) Garbage-in-Garbage Out               iv) None


5. The father of stored program is known as…..

i) Charles Babbage      ii) J.V. Neumann         iii) Herman Hollierth   iv) Lady Augusta


6. Which of the following scientist introduced Boolean Algebra?

i) Gorge Boole                       ii) William Mauchly    iii) Charles Babbage    iv) Dr. Herman Hollerith


7. The first computer bought in Nepal in  ……..

i) 2022 BS       ii) 2028BS       iii) 2032BS                  iv) 2034 BS


8.  How many vacuum tubes make one transistor?

i) 100               ii)200               iii)1000            iv)2000


9. Robot is an example of .......generation.

i) Second         ii) Third           iii) fourth         iv) Fifth

10. The first microprocessor is …..

i) IBM 1401                ii) Intel 4004               iii) CRAY       iv) GAaS


11. Super computer are used in

i) War    ii) Scientific research   iii) Fastest system  iv) All


12. A hand-held computer is also called….

i) PDA             ii) Micro          iii) Laptops    iv) Workstation


13. Personal computer are also called ……computer

i) mini              ii) micro           iii) Mainframe             iv) super


14. Hybrid computer combines the features of

i) Analog and digital                            ii) Minicomputer and micro computer 

iii) Super and mainframe computer      iv)Desktop and Laptop


15. Which of the following is a portable computer?

i) Laptops        ii) Tablet PC    iii) PDAs         iv) All


16. The unit that acts as a central nervous system.

i) ALU    ii) CU    iii) Primary memory    iv) Secondary memory


17. The basic components of a modern digital computer are:

i) Input device     ii) Output device     iii) Process device   iv) All


18. Example of random storage media is

i) Magnetic tape   ii) Hard disk  iii) iii) CD-drive   iv) None


19. Hard disk is …..memory.

i) primary    ii) secondary    iii) optical    iv) Flesh


20. Which of the following is not hardware?

i) Monitor     ii) keyboard    iii) DOS    iv) Mouse


21. Objectives types of questions can be examined by

i) OCP     ii) DCU   iii) OCR   iv) VDU


22. Which is the fastest memory of computer?

i) RAM     ii) ROM    iii) Cache     iv) All


23. Which of the following is known as flash drive?

i) CD-ROM    ii) Floppy disk    iii) Pen drive    iv) Zip disk


24. Which of the following is non-impact printer?

i) Dot matrix     ii) Daisy wheel   iii) laser   iv) All


25. A place in a system unit that allows the transfer of data between a variety of devices and the computer, is

i) Keyboard     ii) drive            iii) ROM          iv) Port


26. Which of the following is input and output device?

i) Keyboard     ii) Scanner       iii) Touch screen          iv) Printer


27. Which of the following memory is lie between CPU and RAM.

i)  Virtual Memory      ii) Cache Memory       iii) DRAM       iv) Flash Memory



28. How many devices supported by USB?

i) 127               ii) 227              iii) 117             iv) 107


29.  Serial port is used to connect …………………

i) Speaker        ii) monitor       iii) Printer        iv) I/O devices


30. Which of the following is smallest unit of information?

i) Nibble          ii) Byte            iii) Bit              iv) Word


Answer Key:

1.  ii

2. ii

3. iv

4. iii

5. ii

6. i

7.  ii

8. iii

9. iv

10. ii

11. iv

12. iii

13. ii

14. i

15. iv

16. ii

17. iv

18. i

19. ii

20. iii

21. iii

22. iii

23. iii

24. iii

25. iv

26. iii

27. ii

28. i

29. iii

30. iii


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