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Friday, September 16, 2022

Concept of function in C programming


Concept of function in C programming

A function is a self-contained block of statements that performs a particular task or job.  The C program consist of one or more functions the execution of each function begins as sequence of function call appears in main() function. If program contain only one function then it is known as main() function.

If we declare function once we can call it from different place many times. After execution of that function the control will returned to the point from where the function was called.

Advantage of function

1. It facilitates top-down programming approach to solve a problem. In this programming style, the high level logic of overall problem is solved first while the details of each lower-level function are addressed later.

2. Program development will easier and faster.

3. Function reduces program complexity and increase readability.

4. Function increase code reusability by avoiding rewriting of same code again and again.

5. Length of program can be reduced by using function at appropriate places.

6. Function helps us to understand program logic involved in the program.

7. Recursive call is possible through function.

8. Function can be stored in a library and reusability can be achieved.

Types of function

In C program we can use two types of function. They are as:

1. Library function

2. User defined function

Library function

Library function are also called predefined or built in functions because these functions are pre-defined, compiled and placed in C-library.  We only used these function in our program by including the respective header files. For example sqrt()  is mathematical library function which is used for finding out square root of any number. The function scanf() and  printf()  are input/output library function defined in stdio.h header files.

To used library files in our program we should know:

1. Name of function and its purpose

2. Types and number of arguments it accepts

3. Type of the value it return

4. Header file name to be included.


/* Program to find the square root of any number using library function */




void main()


 float n,s;


 printf("enter the number :");



 printf("Square root of = %f is = %f",n,s);




Enter the number: 16

Square root of =16 is 4.00

User defined function

Functions which are developed by the user or programmer at the time of writing program are known as user defined functions.  To create and use these function, we should know about these three things:

1. Function definition

2. Function declaration

3. Function call


Function definition

Function definition is model or blueprint of the functions, which provides basic information about a function which tells the compiler that the function is used currently or not.


return_type function_name (type1 arg1, type2 arg2,…………)


local variables;






return_type : data type of result (can be omitted, default int),void –indicates no return values on function.

function_name : any valid identifier that user can used.

type arg1, type arg1,….: types and number of arguments that the function passed value from main()  to the called function.


Function prototype or function declaration

The function declaration or prototype is model or blueprint of the function, which provides basic information about a function which tells the compiler that the function used correctly or not.  Prototype only needed if function definition comes after main() program. The function declaration is same as what we write on first line in function definition.


return_type function_name (type1 arg1, type2 arg2,…………)

For example:

 int product( int a ,int b, int c);

float sum(int x, int y, int z);

void  name(char name[]);

Function call

The function which calls another function is called calling function.  Function call specifying its name followed by list of arguments enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. While calling function we pass actual arguments. Actual arguments can be written in the form of variable, constants or expressions or any function call that return a value. The name of the arguments, which are mentions in the function definition are called formal or dummy arguments since they are used just to hold the values that are sent by the calling function.

 Example of function call:

s=sum (a,b);

printf(“the sum is =%d”,sum(20,60);



Return statement

It is the jumping statement used to transfer the control from called function to calling function. It is executed just before the function completes its job. The job of return statement is to handover a value given by function to the point from where the call was made.





Note: Returning control from function that does not return value


return expression;


Note: The return value could be any valid expression that returns a value. The value may be:

  • a constant
  • a variable
  • a calculation, for instance (a + b) * c
  • call to another function that returns a value



return 1:

return x++;

return (3*sum(a,b));



/* program to display the sum of first ten natural numbers

void main()


    int sum = sumDigits();

    printf("%d\n", sum);




int sumDigits()


    int sum = 0;

    int digit;

    for(digit = 0; digit <= 9; ++digit)


        sum += digit;


    return sum;




The function main is called when our program is started. Then it calls the routine sumDigits. At this point “main” is paused and sumDigits starts. The second function will do its calculations and reach the return sum; statement. Here it ends and the control is transferred back in main. Since sumDigits returns a value(the value of the sum variable), a value will appear in the place where the function was called.

    The sum of the digits is 1+2+3…+10= 55. This value will appear in the place of invocation and the variable sum will take this value. Then we print that value and return from the main function, which ends our program.


Types of user defined function

The functions can be divided into four types on the basis of the arguments and return value;

1.       Function with no arguments and no return value.

2.       Function with no argument and a return value.

3.       Function with argument and no return value.

4.       Function with argument and a return value.

Function with no argument and no return value.

This type of function will not return any value to calling function so we use return type void and it will not also passed value to the called function on the argument either kept empty or use void. The syntax is as:


void func(void);  //return type is void and argument also void

main( )



   func( );       //function call



void func(void)   // function defination







/* Program of user define function with no argument and no return value */



void sum(void);

void main()






void sum(void)


  int sum, a,b;

  printf("Enter  first number:");


  printf("Enter second number");



  printf("The sum of two number is =%d",sum);


Function with no argument and a return value.

These types of function do not receive any arguments but they can return a value. Here it will not pass the argument but it can return value. So we used int as the return type it will return integer value. The syntax is as:

int func(void);   //function declaration with no argument but return type

main( )


   int r;


   r = func( );  //calling function



int func(void)  //function definition




   return (expression);



/* Program of user define function with no argument and  return value */



int sum(void);

void main()



printf("The sum of two number is =%d",sum());



int sum(void)


  int sum, a,b;

  printf("Enter  first number:");


  printf("Enter second number");



  return sum;


Function with argument and no return value.

This types of function can pass the argument but will not return the value to the main() function.

Here we used void as the return type and value can be pass from main() function to the called function the syntax is as:


void func(int, int);  //function declaration with no return value but argument

main( )



   func(a, b);  // calling function



void func(int c, int d)  // function definition







/* Program of user define function with  argument and no  return value */


void sum(int a,int b);

void main()


int a,b;


  printf("Enter  first number:");


  printf("Enter second number");




void sum(int a, int b)


  int s;


  printf("the sum of two number is =%d",s);


Function with argument and a return value.

These types of function will pass the value from main program to the function and the calculated value will be return to the main function. So we use the int as the return type and pass the argument. The syntax is as:


int func(int, int); /*function declaration with return type and   argument*/

main( )


   int r;


   r = func(a, b);  //calling function


   func(c, d);


int func(int a, int b)   //function definition







/* Program of user define function with  argument and  return value */


int sum(int a,int b);

void main()


int a,b,s;


  printf("Enter  first number:");


  printf("Enter second number");



  printf("The sum of two number is =%d",s);




int sum(int a, int b)


  int x;


  return x;



Local, global and static variables

Local variables

Local variable is the part or area of program within which it is accessible or recognized.

For example:

 void func();


   int a, b,c;




The local variables can be used only in those function or block, in which they are declared. The same name variables may be used in different function.

Global variables

Variables declared outside all functions come under the external storage class. Normally these variables are declared before the main functions.  

int a=10, b=20;   // declaration of global variable before main() function;

void main();


Local variable;



Static variables

static variables are declared by writing keyword static in front of the declaration


static data_types var_name;

A static variable is initialized only once and the value of a static variable is retained between function calls. If static variables are not initialized then it is automatically initialized to 0.


/* Program use of local global and static variables */



int a=8,b=10;        //global variable

void display();

void main()


  int x=9;          //local variable

   static int z=7;  // static variable

  printf("the local variable x=%d and golabl variable a=%d",x,a);

  printf("the value of static variable in main function=%d",z);



   void dispaly()


   printf("the value of a =%d, and b=%d",a,b);



A recursive function is one that calls itself directly or indirectly to solve a smaller version of its task until a final call which does not require a self-call. Thus, the functions is called recursive function if it calls to self and recursion is a process by which functions call itself repeatedly until some specified condition will be satisfied.

Now we will write a program, which find out the factorial using a recursive function.

/* Program to find the factorial of given number*/



long int factorial(int n);

void main()


int n;


printf("Enter the number:");


printf("The factorial of given number=%d is= %ld",n,fact(n));



long int factorial(int n)



  return 1;




This function returns 1 if the argument n is 0, otherwise it return n*factorial(n-1). To return n*factorial(n-1), the value of factorial(n-1) has to be calculated for which factorial( ) has to be called again but this time with an argument of n-1. This process of calling factorial( ) continues till it is called with an argument of 0.

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