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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Very short questions of Number System for grade 10

Very short questions of Number System for grade 10

Introduction to Number System

Number systems are fundamental to our daily life and the basis of mathematics. They offer a means of representing and working with quantity. The fundamentals of several number systems, including as the decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal systems, as well as their uses, will be covered in this article.

A.  Answer the following questions:

1)  What is Decimal Number System?

Ans: The number system based on ten digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) The base (subscripted) value of decimal number system is 10 or D.

For Example: (63)10 or (63)D


2) What is Binary Number System?

Ans: The numbers system based on only two numbers (0 and 1) which is expressed of 2 is called Binary Number System. The base(subscripted) value of Binary number system is 2 or B

For Example: (1010)2 or (1010)B


3) What do you mean by Octal Number System?

Ans: The number system which is based on 8 digits i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The base (subscripted) value of Octal number system is 8 or O.

For example: (54)8 or (54)O


4) What is Hexadecimal Number System?

Ans: Hexadecimal number system is the number system consisting of 16 digits: 0 - 9 numbers and A - F letters. The base (subscripted) value of Hexadecimal number system is 16 or H

For Example: (H2)16 or (H2)H

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