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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Function and use of QBASIC statements


Function and use of QBASIC statements (Modular programming and File Handling).

1.  Write down the function of the following statement.    (Specification Grid 2065)

KILL : It deletes the file or files from specified drive. (Supp. 2070, SEE 2073 Supp, SEE 2074)


MKDIR: It creates a directory or sub-directory in specified drive.  (SLC 2065)


NAME: It renames the file.  (SLC 2069, 2070, SEE 2073)


CLOSE: It close the statements of dat file.  (SLC 2070, supp 2070, SEE 2073, 2073 supp,  SEE 2074)


RMDIR: It removes the directory or sub directory from specified drive.


NAME: It renames the files. (SLC 2066, SLC supplementary 2066)


FILES: List files and directories from specified location. (SEE 2075)


KILL: Deletes files from a specified location.     (SLC 2067, 2069)


INPUT: It is used to open an existing file and read the records of file.


MKDIR: It creates a directory or subdirectory in specified drive.   (SLC 2068)


CHDIR: It is used to change the current directory.


SHELL: It is used to enter the DOS prompt temporarily.


LINE INPUT#: It is used to read and entire line without delimiters from a sequential file into a string variable.


INPUT#: It is used to read data items from a sequential file and assign them to program variable.


WRITE #:  It is used to send one or more data items to the specified sequential data file. (SEE 2075)


INPUT$: It is used to reads the specified number of characters from the data files.


OPEN: It is used to open a sequential file.


OUTPUT: It is used to open a file first creates a file using OPEN statement.


APPEND: It is used to adding records to the end of file that previously exists on disk.


CLOSE: It is used to Transferring the data currently in primary to secondary memory.

EOF: It is used to indicate the end of a sequential file.    (SLC 2068)


CALL: It is used to Transfer control to another procedure.     (SLC 2071)


PRINT #: It is used to send a values to a data file.


SYSTEM: It is used to close the QBASIC program.


SHARED: This statement is used to make the variable global between main module and sub module.(SLC 2071)


COMMON SHARED: It defines global variable that can be shared throughout a program or between chained programs.

You can also Read:

QBASIC program to input any string and count total no of consonants letter

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