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Sunday, November 20, 2022

Ace Your Exams with SEE Class 10 Computer Science Model Set

Ace Your Exams with SEE Class 10 Computer Science Model Set


The SEE Class 10 exams are a crucial turning point in every student's life. They determine the future course of their academic and professional careers. One subject that plays a crucial role in these exams is Computer Science. With technology evolving at a rapid pace, it is essential to keep up with the latest developments and trends in this field.

To help you prepare for the SEE Class 10 Computer Science exams, we have compiled a comprehensive model set. This set includes a range of useful resources, including sample questions, which help you ace your exams.

Overview of SEE Class 10 Computer Science Model Set

The SEE Class 10 Computer Science Model Set is designed to help students prepare for their exams by providing them with a range of useful resources. Following is the new SEE class 10 computer science model set.

Subject: Computer Science      Full Marks: 50
Time: 1:30:00 hrs
Attempt ALL the questions.

Group- A 
[Very Short Answer Question: 10×1=10]

1. Answer the following questions in one sentence. 6 ×1=6
a) Name any two popular search engines.
b) Define bus topology.
c) What is the caption in the table structure of Ms-Access?
d) Which data type is suitable to store photographs of students in Ms-Access?
e) Define sub-procedure.
f) What are header files in C?

2. Write appropriate technical terms for the following. 2×1=2
a) Data transmission in one direction; that is either to send or receive only.
b) The most common types of e-commerce.

3. Write the full form of the following. 2×1=2
a) Kbps      b)B2B


Group- B
[Short Answer Question: 12×2=24]

4. Answer the following questions. 9×2=18
a) What do you mean by communication media? Give any two examples of unguided media.
b) What is cyber law? Write two ethical values for computer operators.
c) What is backup? Why backup vital to the computer system?
d) Define e-commerce. Mention its any two features.
e) Define cloud computing with examples.
f) State the major importance of managing computer database.
g) Define RDBMS with examples.
h) What is the importance of query in the database.
i) While designing table structure, which data types are suitable to store information about teachers name, address, salary and date of birth.

5. Write down the output of the given program. Show with dry run in table. 2
DECLARE SUB series()
CALL series()

SUB series()
FOR j= 8 TO 2 STEP -2
SWAP d,b

6. Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs. 2
REM to print add numbers from 32 to 12
CALL show

SUB show
WHILE n<=32

7. Study the following program and answer the given questions. 2
DECLARE SUB test(c,d)
CALL test(a,b)
PRINT a,b,c,x

SUB test(e,f)

a) What will be the output of the program?
b) What will be the output if the statement SHARED x is removed from the program?


Group –C
[Long Answer Questions 4×4=16]

8. Convert / calculate as per the instruction. 4×1=4                           

a) (11111101)2 into Hexadecimal          b) (424)10 into octal

c) (11010)2 × (1100)2 – (10111)2          d) 1101110÷110


9. a) Write a program in qbasic that ask radius of a circle and calculate its circumference and area. Create user define function to calculate the area and a sub procedure to calculate circumference. [Hint: A=Ï€r2, C=2Ï€r]  4

b) Write a program in qbasic to read all the records from the data file "score.dat" containing name, roll no, and score then find and dsplay the average score of the class.            4

10. Write a program in C language that any two numbers and display then greatest one.                      4


Write a program in C language to display the series 5 10 15 20 ………..50


In conclusion, the SEE Class 10 Computer Science Model Set is a useful resource for students who are preparing for their upcoming exams. The model set provides a comprehensive overview of the computer science curriculum and includes a range of questions that cover all the key topics in the syllabus. By practicing with the model set, students can improve their understanding of the subject and develop their skills in problem-solving and critical thinking. Overall, the SEE Class 10 Computer Science Model Set is an excellent tool for students who want to excel in their exams and achieve success in their academic careers.


1) What is the SEE Class 10 Computer Science Model Set? 
Ans: The SEE Class 10 Computer Science Model Set is a collection of practice questions designed to help students prepare for their upcoming computer science exams.

2) What topics are covered in the model set? 
Ans: The model set covers all the key topics in the computer science curriculum, including programming, algorithms, data structures, computer networks, and more.

3) How can I use the model set to prepare for my exams? 
Ans: You can use the model set to practice answering different types of questions and improve your understanding of the subject. By practicing regularly with the model set, you can build your confidence and develop your skills in problem-solving and critical thinking.

4)Where can I find the SEE Class 10 Computer Science Model Set? 
Ans: The model set is available in many bookstores and online retailers. You can also ask your teacher or school to provide you with a copy.

5) Are there any other resources I can use to prepare for my computer science exams? 
Ans: Yes, there are many other resources available, including textbooks, online tutorials, and study guides. It's important to find the resources that work best for you and use them consistently to achieve your academic goals.

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