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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

SEE DBMS class 10 very short question and answer

SEE DBMS class 10 very short question and answer

A. Answer the following questions in one sentence: (It carries 2 Marks)

1) Define Data (SEE 2073)
Ans: Data is the collection of facts.

2) What is information? (SLC 2070)
Ans: Information is organized or classified data, which has some meaningful values for the receiver.

3) What do you mean by Database? (SEE 2073. 2074)
Ans: A database is the collection of information in an organized form.

4) What is a Database Management System (DBMS)?
Ans: DBMS is a software package designed to define, manipulate, retrieve, and manage data in a database.

5) What is cell?
Ans: A cell is an intersection of rows and columns.

6) Define field?
Ans: A field is an element in which one piece of information is stored

7) What is a tuple?
Ans: A single entry in a table is called a Tuple

8) What do you mean by record?
Ans: A record is a collection of multiple related fields.

9) What is table?
Ans: A table is a collection of rows having one or more columns.

10) What is the purpose of a table?
Ans: A table is used to store the data and information.

11) Which data type is used to store alphanumeric characters or special symbols in MS Access?
Ans: Text data type is used to store alphanumeric characters or special symbols in MS Access.

12. Which view is used to modify a table in MS Access?
Ans: The design view is used to modify a table in MS Access.

13) What is a relationship in a database?
Ans: A relationship is a link between two or more tables.

14) What is the Primary key? (SEE 2073)
Ans: A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies each record in a table.

15) Which objects of Ms-Access is used to enter the data?
Ans: Form and Table are used to enter the data.

16) In which object of Ms-Access we can display the data by giving criteria and conditions.
Ans: Query is the object of Ms-Access where we can display the data by giving criteria and conditions.

17) Which object of Ms-Access is used to display the data in printed format?
Ans: Report is the object of Ms-Access which is used to display the data in printed format.

18) Which data type of Ms-Access is used to store graphics, pictures, and sound?
Ans: OLE is the object of Ms-Access which is used to store graphics, pictures and sound.

19) Which field property of Ms-Access is used to limit the value to be entered in the field.
Ans: The validation rule is used to limit the value to be entered in the field.

20) What is the program that enables you to create access and manage a database called?
Ans: A Database Management System is a program used to create access and manage a database.

21) Which data type is used to store numeric characters or special symbols in Ms-Access? (Specification Grid 2077)
Ans: Text data type is used to store numeric characters or special symbols in Ms-Access.

22) Which view is used to modify a table in Ms-Access? (Specification Grid 2077)
Ans: To modify a table Design view is used in Ms-Access.

23) Which data type is suitable for storing photographs of students in MS- Access? (SEE 2078)
Ans: The OLE data type is suitable for storing photographs of students in MS Access.

24) Which view is used to modify table structure in MS Access? (SEE 2078)
Ans: In MS Access Design view is used to modify the table structure.

25) What is the default extension of Ms-Access? (SEE Grade Promotion Exam 2078)
Ans: The following are the default extensions of Ms-Access.
Ms-Access 2003 is .mdb
MS-Access 2007 is .accdb

26) Which object of Ms-Access is used to retrieve data from the table? (SEE Grade Promotion Exam 2078)
Ans: Query is the object of Ms-Access used to retrieve data from the table.

27) What is the default size of the text field in Ms-Access? (SEE 2079)
Ans: The default size of the text field in MS Access is 50 characters.

28) Which data type is used to store the photo in MS Access?
Ans: OLE data type is used to store photos in MS Access.

29) List any four examples of databases.
Ans: Dictionary, phone diary, marks ledge, and salary sheet are examples of databases.

30) Write any four examples of DBMS.
Ans: MS-Access, My SQL, Oracle, FoxPro, etc are examples of DBMS.

31) Write any two examples of RDBMS.
Ans: SQL and Oracle are the examples of RDBMS.

32) What is the storage size of the attachment data type in Ms-Access?
Ans: 2 GB is the storage size of the attachment data type in Ms-Access.

33) Which is the default data type in MS Access?
Ans: Text is the default data type in MS Access?

34) What is the maximum length of a field name in MS Access?
Ans: The maximum length of field name in Ms-Access is 64 characters.

35) What is a form in Access?
Ans: A form in Access is a database object that you can use to create a user interface for a database application.

36) What is a query in Access?
Ans: A query is a tool that allows you to retrieve and filter data from one or more tables.

37) What is a report in Access?
Ans: A report is a database object in Access that is used to format, calculate, print, and summarize selected data.

38) What is a relationship in Access?
Ans: A relationship in Access is a connection between two tables that is based on one or more fields that are common to both tables.

39) What is an AutoNumber field?
Ans: An AutoNumber field automatically generates a unique number for each record.

40) How do you store text data in Access that exceeds 255 characters?
Ans: Use the Memo (in Access 2010 and earlier) or Long Text (in Access 2013 and later) data type.

41) What data type allows you to store binary large objects like images and documents in Access?
Ans: Use the OLE Object data type for Access 2010 and earlier, or the Attachment data type for Access 2013 and later.

42) Which data type in Access is best for storing website URLs?
Ans: Use the Hyperlink data type.

43) What field property must be set to make a field in Access act as a unique identifier that cannot contain duplicates?
Ans: Set the Indexed field property to "Yes (No Duplicates)".

44) Which data type should be used in Access to store a logical value (True/False)?
Ans: Use the Yes/No data type.

45) What data type in Access is used for storing numeric data that requires decimal places?
Ans: Use the Number data type and set the Field Size property to Double or Single.

46) What is the validation rule?
Ans: A criteria set for data entry in a field is known as a validation rule.

47) What is validation text?
Ans: A custom error message is shown when data doesn't meet the validation rule.

48) What is a query?
Ans: A tool to retrieve specific data from one or more tables.

49) What are the different types of queries?
Ans: Select, update, delete, append, and make-table are the different types of queries.

50) What is the function of input mask field property in MS-Access?
Ans: A pattern defining how data should be entered into a field, ensuring consistency and accuracy.

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