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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Qbasic program to find the sum of input digits

Qbasic program to find the sum of input digits

Qbasic program to find the sum of input digits


In the early days of personal computing, QBasic was a popular programming language for beginners. QBasic is a simple language that can be used to create small applications or games. In this article, we will show you how to write a Qbasic program to find the sum of input digits.

Explanation of the program:

The program will start by asking the user to input a number. Once the number is entered, the program will calculate the sum of the digits in the number and display the result. Here is the code:

INPUT "Enter a number: ", num
sum = 0
WHILE num > 0
digit = num MOD 10
sum = sum + digit
num = INT(num / 10)
PRINT "The sum of the digits is: "; sum

Explanation of Code:

  • CLS clears the screen before the program starts.
  • INPUT asks the user to enter a number and stores it in the variable num.
  • sum is initialized to 0.
  • The WHILE loop will continue until num is no longer greater than 0.
  • digit is assigned the value of the last digit in num.
  • sum is updated with the value of digit.
  • num is divided by 10 and rounded down to remove the last digit.
  • The loop continues until all the digits have been processed.
  • The result is displayed using PRINT statement.

Qbasic program to find the sum of input digits using SUB procedure

DECLARE SUB digit ()
CALL digit

SUB digit
INPUT "Enter a number: "; num
sum = 0
WHILE num > 0
di = num MOD 10
sum = sum + di
num = INT(num / 10)
PRINT "Sum of the digits is: "; sum

Qbasic program to find the sum of input digits using FUNCTION procedure

INPUT "Enter a number: "; num
PRINT "Sum of the digits is: "; digit(num)

FUNCTION digit (num)
WHILE num > 0
di = num MOD 10
sum = sum + di
num = num \ 10
digit = sum



In this article, we have shown you how to write a Qbasic program to find the sum of input digits without modular programming and by using modular programming using SUB and FUNCTION procedure. This program is a simple example of how to use loops and variables in QBasic. By experimenting with this code, you can learn how to write more complex programs in QBasic.

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