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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Understanding QBasic Local and Global Variables: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding QBasic Local and Global Variables: A Comprehensive Guide

QBasic Local and Global Variables


If you're new to QBasic programming, you may have heard about local and global variables. But what are they, and how do they differ? Understanding the concept of local and global variables is crucial in QBasic programming. They play a significant role in controlling the scope of a variable and the behavior of a program.

In this article, we will explain in detail what local and global variables are and how they work in QBasic. We will also provide examples to help you understand the concept better. So, let's get started!

 What are Local Variables in QBasic?

Local variables are variables that are declared within a specific subroutine or function in QBasic. These variables are only accessible within that particular subroutine or function. Once the subroutine or function is terminated, the variable's value is lost.

 How to Declare Local Variables in QBasic?

To declare a local variable in QBasic, you can use the "DIM" statement or without DIM statement. 

Here's an example:

In above example we declare a local variables 'a', and 'b' by using DIM statement and 's' without DIM statement within the sub module "sum". All the variables are accessed within the "sum" sub module. 

When to Use Local Variables in QBasic?

You should use local variables in QBasic when you need to store temporary values within a particular subroutine or function. Local variables are useful when you don't want to use the same variable name in other subroutines or functions within your program. Using local variables can also help you avoid naming conflicts.

 What are Global Variables in QBasic?

Global variables are variables that are declared outside of any subroutine or function in QBasic. These variables are accessible throughout the program, including all subroutines and functions. The value of a global variable can be modified by any subroutine or function in the program.

 How to Declare Global Variables in QBasic?

To declare a global variable in QBasic, you need to use the SHARED or "COMMON SHARED" statement. 

Here's an example of a global variable using SHARED statement:

SHARED statement

The "SHARED" statement is used to declare a variable as global within a single module, meaning that it can be accessed from any subroutine or function within that module. However, it cannot be accessed from other modules within the program.

In the above example, we declare a global variable called "a", and "b" by using the SHARED statement.  Though the parameters are not declared but using SHARED statement in every module we can share the variables.

Here's an example of a global variable using SHARED statement:


"COMMON SHARED" statement is used to declare a variable as global throughout the entire program. This means that it can be accessed from any module or subroutine within the program.

In above example, a COMMON SHARED statement establish storage for variable in a special area that allows them to be shared between modulus. The variable “a”, and "b" of main module can shared in both sub modules “addition” and “subtraction"

 When to Use Global Variables in QBasic?

You should use global variables in QBasic when you need to store values that are needed throughout the program. Global variables are useful when you need to share data between different subroutines or functions within your program. However, you should be careful when using global variables, as they can be modified by any part of the program, which can lead to unexpected behavior.

What is the Difference Between Local and Global Variables in QBasic?

The main difference between local and global variables in QBasic is their scope. Local variables are only accessible within the subroutine or function in which they are declared. In contrast, global variables can be accessed throughout the program.

Here are some other differences between local and global variables:

  1. Local variables are only visible within the subroutine or function in which they are declared. Global variables are visible throughout the program.
  2. Local variables are automatically destroyed when the subroutine or function is terminated. Global variables remain in memory until the program is terminated.
  3. Local variables can have the same name as global variables, but they are not the same variable. Local variables have a different scope and can only be accessed within the subroutine.


Q: Can I use the same variable name for both local and global variables?
Ans: Yes, you can use the same variable name for both local and global variables in QBasic. However, keep in mind that they are two separate variables with different scopes.

Q: What happens if I declare a local variable with the same name as a global variable?
Ans: If you declare a local variable with the same name as a global variable in QBasic, the local variable takes precedence within the subroutine or function in which it is declared. The global variable will remain unchanged outside of the subroutine or function.

Q: Can I change the value of a global variable within a subroutine or function?
Ans: Yes, you can change the value of a global variable within a subroutine or function in QBasic. Since global variables are accessible throughout the program, any changes made to them will be reflected in other parts of the program.


In summary, qbasic local and global variables are crucial concepts in QBasic programming. Local variables are only accessible within a specific subroutine or function, while global variables can be accessed throughout the program. Knowing when to use each type of variable is important in controlling the scope of a variable and the behavior of a program.

When declaring variables in QBasic, be sure to use the "DIM" statement for local variables and the "COMMON SHARED" statement for global variables. Keep in mind that you can use the same variable name for both types of variables, but they are two separate variables with different scopes.

By understanding the difference between local and global variables, you can write more efficient and effective QBasic programs.

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