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Friday, March 24, 2023

Actual and Formal Parameter in QBasic: Understanding the Differences

Actual and Formal Parameter in QBasic: Understanding the Differences


QBasic is a high-level programming language that has been around for several decades. It is an easy-to-learn language that is used to develop various types of applications. One of the most important concepts in QBasic programming is understanding the difference between actual and formal parameters. This concept can be confusing for beginners, and it is crucial to understand the differences between the two types of parameters to write efficient and error-free programs. In this blog article, we will dive deep into the topic of actual and formal parameters in QBasic.

What are Parameters in QBasic?

A parameter is a variable or a constant that is passed into a function or subroutine. In QBasic, functions and subroutines are used to perform specific tasks. When a function or subroutine is called, it can receive one or more parameters as inputs. These parameters are then used within the function or subroutine to perform a specific task.

Types of Parameters in Qbasic

In QBasic, there are two types of parameters that are used in procedures and functions: actual parameters and formal parameters.

Actual Parameters:

Actual parameters in QBasic refer to the values that are passed to a function or subroutine during program execution. These values can be variables, constants, or expressions. Actual parameters are passed from the calling function to the called function or subroutine. In other words, actual parameters are the arguments that are supplied to a function or subroutine.

Formal Parameters:

Formal parameters in QBasic refer to the variables that are declared in the function or subroutine header. These variables are used to receive the values passed from the calling function or subroutine. Formal parameters act as placeholders for the values that will be passed during program execution. In other words, formal parameters are the parameters that are declared in the function or subroutine.

The Difference between Actual and Formal Parameters in QBasic:

The primary difference between actual and formal parameters in QBasic is that actual parameters are the values passed to a function or subroutine, while formal parameters are the variables declared in the function or subroutine header. Actual parameters are used to pass data to a function or subroutine, while formal parameters are used to receive the data passed from the calling function or subroutine. Another critical difference between the two parameters is that actual parameters can be expressions, variables, or constants, while formal parameters are always variables.

Why are Actual and Formal Parameters Important in QBasic?

Actual and formal parameters are crucial in QBasic programming. They allow programmers to pass data between functions or subroutines, making it easier to write modular and reusable code. Passing data between functions or subroutines can reduce code duplication and improve program efficiency. Understanding the difference between actual and formal parameters can also help programmers write efficient and error-free programs.

Benefits of Using Parameters in QBasic

Using parameters in QBasic can make your code more efficient and effective in several ways. Here are some of the benefits of using parameters:
  1. Reusability: By defining functions and subroutines that take parameters, you can reuse the same code in multiple places throughout your program. This can save you time and effort in writing and maintaining your code.
  2. Modularity: Functions and subroutines that take parameters can be designed to perform specific tasks. This makes your code more modular and easier to understand, as each function or subroutine can be focused on a specific task.
  3. Flexibility: By passing parameters into functions and subroutines, you can make your code more flexible and adaptable to different situations. For example, you can pass in different values for the parameters depending on the input data, which can make your code more versatile.
Example 1: Calculate the sum of two numbers using SUB procedure.

In the above example a, and b are the formal parameters and x, and y are the actual parameters.

Example 2: Calculate the simple interest using FUNCTION procedure.

In the above example a,b and c are the formal parameters and p,t, and r are the actual parameters.


Q: What are parameters in QBasic?

A: Parameters in QBasic are variables that are used to pass values to a procedure or function. They allow the procedure or function to receive input from the calling code and modify its behavior accordingly.

Q: What is the difference between formal and actual parameters in QBasic?
A: Formal parameters are declared in the procedure or function header and act as placeholders for the values that will be passed to the procedure or function when it is called. Actual parameters are the values that are passed to the procedure or function when it is called.

Q: Can a procedure or function have multiple parameters in QBasic?

A: Yes, a procedure or function can have multiple parameters in QBasic. The parameters are separated by commas in the procedure or function header.

Q: What data types can be used for parameters in QBasic?

A: Any data type can be used for parameters in QBasic, including INTEGER, STRING, BOOLEAN, and more.

Q: How are parameters used to make code more flexible and reusable in QBasic?

A: By using parameters in procedures and functions, we can write code that can be reused with different input values. This makes our code more flexible and saves us time and effort in the long run.

Q: What happens if the number or type of actual parameters does not match the formal parameters in QBasic?
A: If the number or type of actual parameters does not match the formal parameters in QBasic, a syntax error will occur. It is important to ensure that the number and types of actual parameters match the formal parameters in the procedure or function header.


In conclusion, understanding the difference between actual and formal parameters is crucial in QBasic programming. Actual parameters are the values passed to a function or subroutine, while formal parameters are the variables declared in the function or subroutine header. By using actual and formal parameters, programmers can pass data between functions or subroutines, making it easier to write modular and reusable code. The proper usage of actual and formal parameters can lead to more efficient and error-free programs. Therefore, it is essential to have a clear understanding of these concepts when working with QBasic.

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