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Thursday, March 23, 2023

QBASIC Function Procedure: A Comprehensive Guide

QBASIC Function Procedure: A Comprehensive Guide

QBASIC Function Procedure

QBasic is a programming language that has been around since the 1980s. It is a simple, easy-to-learn language that has been used to teach programming to beginners for decades. One of the most important concepts in QBasic is the use of functions. Functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task, and they are an essential part of any QBasic program. In this article, we will explore the topic of functions in QBasic in-depth, covering everything from how to define and call functions to understand their syntax and purpose.

Introduction to QBASIC Function Procedure

A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. The QBASIC Function Procedure is used to create functions in QBASIC. The Function Procedure is a sub-program that returns a value to the calling program. The Function Procedure is used to break down large programs into smaller, more manageable pieces.

How Does QBASIC Function Procedure Work?

In QBASIC, a function is a named block of code that performs a specific task and returns a value to the calling code. On the other hand, a procedure is a named block of code that performs a specific task but does not return a value.

When a function or procedure is called, the program passes any necessary arguments to the function or procedure. The function or procedure then performs its task and returns a value to the calling code.

Advantages of Using QBASIC Function Procedure

Using QBASIC function procedure offers several advantages, including:
  1. Reusability: Functions and procedures can be called from multiple parts of the program, making it easier to reuse code.
  2. Modular Programming: Using functions and procedures makes it easier to break a program down into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  3. Easy Debugging: Since functions and procedures perform specific tasks, they are easier to debug than large blocks of code.

How to Define a Function Procedure in QBasic

To define a function procedure in QBasic, you can follow these steps:
  • Begin by opening the QBasic Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on your computer.
  • In the editor, create a new program or open an existing one.
  • To define a function procedure, use the following syntax:
FUNCTION name (parameter1, parameter2,...)
name = value 

The syntax starts with the keyword FUNCTION, followed by the name of the function and its parameters in parentheses. The statements within the function define the task it performs. The keyword END FUNCTION marks the end of the function and assigns its output value to the variable name specified.

How to Call a Function Procedure in QBasic?

To call a function procedure in QBasic, you can follow these steps:
  • Make sure that you have already defined the function procedure using the FUNCTION keyword in your QBasic program.
  • Determine the arguments required for the function, as specified in the function definition. These arguments are usually passed in as parameters.
  • In your program, call the function by using its name followed by parentheses and the required arguments, like this:
result = function_name(argument1, argument2, ...)

  • Replace function_name with the actual name of the function you want to call.
  • Replace argument1, argument2, etc. with the actual values or variables that will be passed into the function as parameters.
  • Assign the returned value of the function to a variable or use it in any other desired way.
Here's an example of a function call in QBasic:

DECLARE FUNCTION addnumbers (num1, num2)
result = addnumbers(5, 10)
PRINT "The sum of 5 and 10 is "; result

FUNCTION addnumbers (num1, num2)
addnumbers = num1 + num2

In this example, the function AddNumbers is defined to take two parameters num1 and num2, and returns their sum. The function is then called with the arguments 5 and 10, and the result is assigned to the variable result. Finally, the sum is printed on the screen using the PRINT statement. When you run this program, the output will be: "The sum of 5 and 10 is 15".

How to Pass Parameters to a Function Procedure in QBasic?

In QBasic, you can pass parameters to a function procedure by specifying them in the function header. Here is an example:

FUNCTION addNumbers (x , y) 
sum = x + y 
addNumbers = sum 

In this example, the function "addNumbers" takes two integer parameters "x" and "y". These parameters are specified in the function header in parentheses after the function name.

How to Return Values from a Function Procedure in QBasic?

In QBasic, you can return values from a function procedure using the "FUNCTION" keyword followed by the name of the function, and then specifying the return type of the function. Here is an example:

FUNCTION addNumbers (x, y) 
sum = x + y 
addNumbers = sum 

In this example, the function "addNumbers" takes two integer parameters "x" and "y", adds them together, and then returns the result as an integer using the "addNumbers = sum" statement.

To call this function and use its return value, you would use code like this:

result = addNumbers(5, 10) 
PRINT result

This code would call the "addNumbers" function with the parameters 5 and 10, store the return value in the "result" variable, and then print the result to the screen. The output of this code would be 15

Example: Creating a Simple QBASIC Function Procedure

Let's look at an example of creating a simple QBASIC function procedure. Suppose we want to create a function that calculates the simple interest.


This is a QBasic program that calculates simple interest based on user input for principal, time, and interest rate. The program uses a function named "interest" to perform the calculation and returns the result.

The first line of the program declares the "interest" function with parameters "p", "t", and "r", which represent the principal, time, and interest rate, respectively.

The "CLS" statement clears the screen before running the program.

The program then prompts the user to enter the principal, time, and rate using the "INPUT" statement.

The next line assigns the result of the "interest" function to a variable named "si".

The program then prints the result of the calculation using the "PRINT" statement.

Finally, the "END" statement marks the end of the program.

The "interest" function multiplies the principal, time, and rate, divides the result by 100, and returns the calculated interest.

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Q: What is a function procedure in QBasic? 
A: A function procedure in QBasic is a code block that performs a specific task and returns a value to the calling program.

Q: How do you define a function procedure in QBasic? 
A: To define a function procedure in QBasic, you need to use the "FUNCTION" keyword followed by the name of the function and the parameters it takes in parentheses.

Q: How do you call a function procedure in QBasic? 
A: To call a function procedure in QBasic, you simply use its name and provide the necessary parameters.

Q: What is the difference between a function procedure and a sub procedure in QBasic? 
A: A function procedure in QBasic returns a value to the calling program, whereas a sub procedure does not.

Q: What data types can a function procedure return in QBasic? 
A: A function procedure in QBasic can return any of the basic data types, such as integer, float, or string.


QBASIC Function procedures are an essential part of QBasic programming. They allow you to create reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks and return values to the calling program. By using QBASIC function procedures, you can write more efficient and modular code, making it easier to maintain and modify in the future.

In this article, we have covered the basics of QBASIC function procedures, including how to define and call them, and the different data types they can return. We hope this article has been helpful in introducing you to the world of QBasic programming and its powerful function procedure feature.

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