Computer for SEE and NEB

It is a complete SEE and NEB solution for computer science. It includes Computer Fundamentals, Database (SQL), Programming in C QBASIC, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP for beginners.


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Sunday, February 19, 2023

Pabson see pre-board exam 2079 computer solved

Pabson see pre-board exam 2079 computer solved

Pabson see pre-board exam 2079 computer solved


Class: -10

   Full Marks: 50

Sub: Computer Science

                            Time: 1:30                                                         


Candidates are required to answer in their own words as far as practicable. Credit will be given to originality, not rote learning.

Attempt ALL the questions.


Group –A

 [Very Short Answer Question: 10×1=10]


1. Answer the following questions in one sentence:           (6×1=6)

a) What is search Engine?

Ans: A search engine is a software program that allows users to search and retrieve information on the internet by entering keywords or phrases related to their topic of interest.


b) What is digital currency?

Ans: Digital currency is a type of virtual currency that exists only in digital form and can be used for online transactions.


c) Define Ms-Access.

Ans: Microsoft Access is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft that allows users to store, organize, and manage data using a graphical user interface (GUI).


d) What is software security?

Ans: Software security is the process of designing, implementing, and maintaining software systems that are resilient to cyber attacks, unauthorized access, modification, or destruction, and ensuring that the system protects user data and confidential information.


e) What is cloud computing?

Ans: Cloud computing is a technology that allows users to access and store data, applications, and resources over the internet rather than on a local computer or server.


f) Write any two features of C programming language?

Ans: Following are the two features of C programming language.

i) C provides direct access to the computer's memory, making it a low-level programming language.

ii) C has a rich library of built-in functions that can be used to perform various tasks, including input/output, string manipulation, and mathematical operations.




2. Write appropriate technical term for the following:      (2×1=2)

a) The company that provides internet service to customer.

Ans: ISP (Internet Service Provider)


b) A powerful program that controls and coordinates a computer hardware devices and run software and applications.

Ans: Operating System (OS)


3.  Write the full forms of the following:     (2×1=2)

a. SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

b. PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network



Group- B [Short Answer Question: 12×2=24]


4. Answer the following questions:  (9×2=18)

a) What is the difference between switch and router?

Ans: Following are the difference between switch and router.



Used to connect devices within a local area network (LAN)

Used to connect different networks together

Can only be used within the same network or broadcast domain

Can connect different networks with different IP addresses and network topologies

Usually has fewer ports than a router

Can have many ports, allowing it to connect to multiple networks and devices

Does not require any configuration for small networks

Requires configuration for routing tables, routing protocols, and other settings for efficient routing

b) Define two major uses of internet.

Ans: Major uses of internet are as here under.

i) Entertainment: The internet offers a wide range of entertainment options, including streaming music and video, online gaming, and social media.

ii) Online education: The internet has become a powerful tool for learning, providing access to online courses, educational resources, and digital libraries.

c) Define Ms-Access.

Ans: Microsoft Access is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft that allows users to store, organize, and manage data using a graphical user interface (GUI).


d) What is software security?

Ans: Software security is the process of designing, implementing, and maintaining software systems that are resilient to cyber attacks, unauthorized access, modification, or destruction, and ensuring that the system protects user data and confidential information.


e) What is cloud computing?

Ans: Cloud computing is a technology that allows users to access and store data, applications, and resources over the internet rather than on a local computer or server.


f) Write any two features of C programming language?

Ans: Following are the two features of C programming language.

i) C provides direct access to the computer's memory, making it a low-level programming language.

ii) C has a rich library of built-in functions that can be used to perform various tasks, including input/output, string manipulation, and mathematical operations.



2. Write appropriate technical term for the following:      (2×1=2)

a) The company that provides internet service to customer.

Ans: ISP (Internet Service Provider)


b) A powerful program that controls and coordinates a computer hardware devices and run software and applications.

Ans: Operating System (OS)


3.  Write the full forms of the following:     (2×1=2)

a. SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

b. PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network





Group- B [Short Answer Question: 12×2=24]


4. Answer the following questions:   (9×2=18)

a) What is the difference between switch and router?

Ans: Following are the difference between switch and router.


b) Define two major uses of internet.

Ans: Major uses of internet are as here under.

i) Entertainment: The internet offers a wide range of entertainment options, including streaming music and video, online gaming, and social media.

ii) Online education: The internet has become a powerful tool for learning, providing access to online courses, educational resources, and digital libraries.


 c) What is data sorting? Give any two examples.

Ans: Data sorting is the process of arranging data in a specific order or sequence based on certain criteria, such as numerical or alphabetical order.

Two examples of data sorting are:

i) Sorting a list of names alphabetically: For instance, arranging a list of names starting with A at the top, followed by names starting with B, and so on.

ii) Sorting a list of numbers in ascending or descending order: For example, arranging a list of numbers from smallest to largest or vice versa.


 d) Define online payment with example.

Ans: Online payment, also known as electronic payment, refers to the process of making transactions or purchases over the internet using electronic methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, online banking, and digital wallets.

Examples of online payments are: Khalti, iPay, eSewa


 e) What is hardware security? Write any two security measure of it.

Ans: Hardware security refers to the protection of computer hardware devices and components against unauthorized access, theft, damage, or tampering.

Following are the two security measure of hardware.

i) Insurance

ii) Regular maintenance


 f) What is report? Mention its uses.

Ans: A report is a database object that is used to present and organize data in a formatted and professional-looking manner.

Following are the uses of Report.

i) Printing and sharing information

ii) Analyzing and summarizing data.


g) What do you understand by data redundancy?

Ans: Data redundancy refers to the duplication of data in a database or information system. This means that the same data is stored in multiple locations or tables within the system, which can lead to inconsistencies, errors, and inefficiencies in data management.


h) What is firewall in computer? Write its types.

Ans: A firewall is a network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on a set of security rules. It acts as a barrier between an internal network and external networks, such as the internet, to protect against unauthorized access, attacks, and other security threats.

Following are the types of firewall.

i) Network firewall

ii) Proxy firewall


i) What is primary key? Write its importance.

Ans: A primary key is a field or set of fields in a database table that uniquely identifies each record in that table.

The importance of primary keys in a database includes:

i) Primary keys ensure that each record in a table is unique and can be identified without ambiguity. This prevents the possibility of duplicate or conflicting data and helps to maintain data integrity.

ii) Primary keys can be indexed, which allows for efficient searching and sorting of data in a table. This can improve the performance of database queries and reduce the time required to retrieve data.


5. Write down the output of the given program. Show with dry run in table. (2)


DECLARE SUB number ()


CALL number



SUB number

n = 3: c = 1

WHILE c <= 5


n = n * 10 + 3

c = c + 1




Dry Run:



Variable n

Variable c

Check loop

Is c<=5




Is 1 <=5? True




Is 2<=5? True




Is 3<=5? True




Is 4<=5? True




Is 5<=5? True




Is 6<=5? False

Exit from loop


Final Output:







6. Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs:   (2)

REM to store name and age in a sequential data file STD.DOC


INPUT "Enter name";n

INPUT "Enter age";a

WRITE 1, n$, a




Debugged program

REM to store name and age in a sequential data file STD.DOC


INPUT "Enter name";n$

INPUT "Enter age";a

WRITE #1, n$, a




7. Study the following program and answer the given questions:(2×1=2)

DECLARE SUB question(a,b,c)


x=10: y=20: z=15

CALL question(x,y,z)



SUB question(a,b,c)




PRINT a,b,c



a. What would be its output if x=1, y=2, z=3?

Ans:     11 13 24

b. Write the actual and formal parameter used in above program.

Ans:     Actual parameter: x,y,z

            Formal parameter: a,b,c


Group –C [Long Answer Questions 4×4=16]


8.Convert / Calculate as per the instruction:         

a) Convert the following as instructed.                               (2×1=2)

i) (1110011010)2 =(?)8

Binary number:                                   1110011010

Group of 3 bit of binary:                     001      110      011      010

Equivalent octal number:                    1          6          3          2

Therefore, (1110011010)2 =(1632)8


ii) (255)10 =(?)2



b) Perform the following binary calculations.                    (2×1=2)

i) (1001)2 - (111)2


ii) (111111)2 ÷(111)2


9. Write a program in QBASIC to display greater number using function procedure and smaller number using sub procedure among three numbers.     4


DECLARE SUB sm (a, b, c)



INPUT "Enter any three numbers="; a, b, c

CALL sm(a, b, c)

PRINT "Greatest no="; gr(a, b, c)



FUNCTION gr (a, b, c)

IF a > b AND a > c THEN

g = a


g = b


g = c


gr = g



SUB sm (a, b, c)

IF a < b AND a < c THEN

S = a


S = b


S = c


PRINT "Smallest no="; S





10. A sequential data file called "record.txt" has stored data under the field heading roll no, name, gender, English, Nepali, Math's and computer. Write a program to display all the information of those students whose gender is "F" and obtained marks in computer is more than 90.            4


OPEN "record.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1


INPUT #1, rn,name$,g$,e,n,m,c

IF g$="F" AND c>90 THEN PRINT rn,name$,g$,e,n,m,c





11. Write a program in ‘C’ language to display first 10 natural numbers.          4


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

   int i;

   for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {

      printf("%d ", i);


      return 0;




Write a program in ‘C’ that asks principal, rate and time as input and calculate the simple interest.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

   float principal, rate, time, interest;

   printf("Enter the principal amount: ");

   scanf("%f", &principal);

   printf("Enter the rate of interest: ");

   scanf("%f", &rate);

   printf("Enter the time period (in years): ");

   scanf("%f", &time);

   interest = (principal * rate * time) / 100;

   printf("Simple interest = %f", interest);

      return 0;


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