Computer for SEE and NEB

It is a complete SEE and NEB solution for computer science. It includes Computer Fundamentals, Database (SQL), Programming in C QBASIC, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP for beginners.

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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Grade 9 Computer Science Specification Grid

Grade 9 Computer Science Specification Grid 2077 BS

Grade 9 Computer Science Specification Grid

Time: 1 hr 30                  Full Marks:50

Group 'A' (10 Marks)

1. Answer the following questions in one sentence. [6×1=6]

a) Computer Fundamentals

b) Computer Fundamentals

c) HTML Theory

d) HTML Theory

e) QBASIC Theory

f) QBASIC Theory

2. Write appropriate technical terms for the following: [2×1=2]

a) Computer Fundamentals

b) Computer Fundamentals

3. Write the full forms of the following: [2×1=2]

a) Computer Fundamentals

b) Computer Fundamentals

Group 'B' (24 Marks)

4. Answer the following questions. [9×2=18]

a) Computer Fundamentals

b) Computer Fundamentals

c) Computer Fundamentals

d) Computer Fundamentals

e) Computer Fundamentals

f) HTML Theory

g) HTML Theory

h) HTML Code

i) HTML Code

5. Output of QBASIC with dry run [2]

6. Debug - QBASIC program correction [2]

7. Analytical QBASIC Program  [2×1=2]

Group 'C' (16 Marks)

8. QBASIC program without loop [ Simple mathematical programs]  [4]

9. QBASIC program without loop [Using conditional and branching statement] [4]

10. QBASIC program writing [Using Looping and condition] [4]

11. QBASIC program with a condition, library function or array. [4]


QBASIC series program [Fibonacci, first 10 natural numbers etc.]

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