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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Networking and Telecommunications: A very short questions answer for SEE and Grade 10 Students

 Networking and Telecommunications: A very short questions answer for SEE and Grade 10 Students


Networking and Telecommunications: A very short questions answer for SEE and Grade 10 Students


Networking and telecommunication are very important topics for grade 10 and SEE students in the viewpoint of their board exams. This topic covers 5 marks in the final board exam, and out of that, 2 marks are covered by very short question answers. 

In this article, We are going to solve possible very short questions on the topic of networking and telecommunication.


 Some solved question answer

Answer the following questions in one sentence:

1) What is Communication?

Ans:Communication is the exchange of information, ideas, or thoughts between individuals or groups using various methods such as speech, writing, gestures, or technology..

2) What do you mean by Data Communication?

Ans: Data communication refers to the process of transmitting and receiving data or information between two or more devices or systems..Example: E-mail, Internet, E-fax etc..

3) What is Communication media?

Ans: A communication media is a channel through which data or signal can be transmitted from one point to another.

4) What is computer Network? (SLC supp. 2068, 2069, SEE 2074)

Ans: A computer network is a logical or physical interconnection between two or more computers such that they could communicate with each other.

5) What is data transmission mode?

Ans: Data transmission mode refers to the direction of information flow between two communication devices via a communication channel.

6) What do you mean by Networking architecture/model?

Ans: It is a physical and logical design of the software, hardware, protocols, and media of the transmission of data.

7) Define network topology.

Ans: Network topology refers to the physical or logical layout of a network.

8) What is a modem?

Ans: It is a device that converts analog data to digital and vice versa.

9) What is Network Protocol (SEE 2079)

Ans: Protocols are commonly agreed rules followed for interconnection and communication between computers in a network.

10) What is communication channel? (SLCSupp.2070)

Ans: A communication channel is a medium through which messages are transmitted from one person to another. Some examples of communication channels include face-to-face conversation, email, phone calls, text messages, social media

11) What is Band-width? (SLC–2066(Supplementary)

Ans: Bandwidth is the maximum rate of data transfer across a given path. It is measured in bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), or gigabits per second (Gbps).

12) What is Modulation?

Ans: Modulation is the process of modifying a carrier signal by varying one or more of its properties, such as amplitude, frequency, or phase, to carry information.

13) What is internet?

Ans: The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices.

14) Define intranet.

Ans: An intranet is a private network that can only be accessed by authorized users.

15) What is an extranet?

Ans: Extranet is a local network accessible to specific outside users or businesses, but still inaccessible to the general public.

16) Define guided communication media.

Ans: Guided media are cable line through which data flow in a specified path.

17) What is un-guided communication media?

Ans: Unguided communication media are the data signal flow through the air.

18) Define Network Operating System (NOS)

Ans: NOS is the software that allows multiple computers to communicate, share files and hardware devices with one another.

19) Who is Network Administrator?

Ans: A network administrator is a person who implements, manages and troubleshoots a organizations networks.

20) What is telnet?

Ans: A program that allows the user to log into a remote computer on the internet as a user on that system is called telnet.

21) Define Data.

Ans: A raw fact about anything which does not give any complete meaning is called data.

22) What is Information?

Ans: The processed data which gives some or complete meaning is called information.

23) What is search engine? (Specification Grid 2077)

Ans: A search engine is a computer program or software that helps people to search the information they are looking for online by phrases or keywords. Examples: Bing, Google etc.

24) Write the name of any two search engines. (SEE 2078)

Ans: Two search engines are: i) Google ii) Bing

25) What is a web browser? (SEE Grade Promotion Exam 2078)

Ans: A web browser is an application program that is used to view the information of documents or web pages.

26) What is simplex mode?

Ans Simplex mode is the transmission of data and information that takes place in only one direction.

Examples: Radio, Newspaper, Television, etc.

27) Define Duplex mode.

Ans: Duplex mode of data transmission in which data and information flow in both directions.

28) Write example of Half duplex and full duplex.

Ans: Half duplex: Walky-talky and wireless handset

Full duplex: Mobile and landline phones.

29) Write the components of data communication.

Ans: i) Data ii) sender iii) medium iv) receiver and v) protocol are the components of data communication.

30) What is connector?

Ans: Connector is a device that facilitates the connection of computers and other devices to a network.

31) List the different connectors used in computer networks.

Ans: BNC used with coaxial cable, RJ 45 is used with UTP cable, and ST used with fiber optic cable.

32) What is a switch in a computer network?

Ans: A switch is a network connectivity device which joins multiple computers together to share information among them.

33) Define a Bridge in a computer network.

Ans: A bridge is a network connectivity device that interconnects two computer networks having similar protocols.

34) What is a router?

Ans: Router is a network connectivity device that joins multiple wired or wireless networks together.

35) What is a repeater?

Ans: A repeater is a network connectivity device that accepts weak signals and regenerates them and after that sends the message on their way.

36) What is a device driver?

Ans: A device driver is a program that controls the functionality of the hardware device.

37) Define server.

Ans: A server is the main computer in a network that provides services, data, and other resources to the other computer in network.

38) Define workstation.

Ans: A computer on a network that uses resources of the network is called workstation.

39) What is a node?

Ans: The computer or devices of the network is called a node.

40) What is ISP?

Ans: An Internet Service Provider(ISP) is an organization that provides services for accessing and using the internet.

41) What is e-mail?

Ans: E-mail (Electronic mail) is one of the most popular service provided by the internet sends and receives messages electronically through the internet.

42) What is FTP?

Ans: File Transfer Protocol(FTP) helps to transfer (download or upload) files from one computer to another computer.

43) What is uploading?

Ans: Uploading refers to copying files or document, programs or data from user's computer to the internet server.

44) Define downloading.

Ans: Downloading refers to the copying files or document or program or data from the internet server to the user's computer.


Networking and telecommunications are essential topics for students in SEE and grade 10. By understanding these topics, students will be better prepared for board exams to secure good marks.

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