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Monday, March 4, 2024

Single technical term question and answer for SEE and grade 10 on the topic of computer networking and telecommunication.

 Single technical term question and answer for SEE and grade 10 on the topic of computer networking and telecommunication.

Single technical term question and answer for SEE and grade 10 on the topic of computer networking and telecommunication.


A. Write the single technical terms of the following.

 1)    The process of transferring data or information between computers.
2)  Interconnection of two or more than two computers with the help of wire or wireless.
3)  The computer that acts the central authority on a network.
4)   The computer on which users run applications.
5)  The amount of data that can be transmitted through communication channels in a fixed period.
6)  The device that makes communication between workstations and servers.
7)  A device that uses a computer network to Translate digital data into analog and vice versa.
8)         A network which extended beyond 100 km.
9)         A device with multiple points or ports.
10)     The network in which all the computers have equivalent capabilities and responsibilities.
11)     It communicates with the server and other workstation to share software and peripheral devices.
12)     It is a computer that serves programs and data and controls and coordinates all computer activities in a network.
13)     It is a physical interface between cabling and network nodes.
14)     The topology in which all the computers are connected by cable.
15)     It accepts signals, regenerate them and send them back on their way.
16)     It allows sending multiple signals across signal.
17)     The topology in which all the computers are connected to each other in a closed loop a single cable.
18)     Rules and regulations for interconnection in a network.
19)     It is a server where incoming mails are collected in your mail box.
20)     Two way communication mode.
21)     One way communication mode.
22)     A communication media which use light to carry a data signal through the cable.
23)     It is wireless technology that can be used to transmit data between two different networks.
24)     Physical layout of computer.
25)     Commonly used media for physical channels for Transmitting data across networks.
26)     Network of network
27)     The device which copies electrical signals from one Ethernet to another
28)     A device that control two dissimilar networks.
29)     The network architecture which consists at least one server and one or more clients or workstation.
30)     The network architecture which functions both as servers and workstations.
31)     An intelligent device that connects two different networks.
32)     Cabling structure of LAN. (Specification Grid 2065)
33)     Group of computers that can share resources. (Specification Grid 2065)
34)     A computer network limited within a room. (SLC – 2065)
35)     Rules and format to accept and Transfer data in a computer network. (SLC - 2066)
36)     A card used to connect the network cable to the computer (SLC 2066 (Supplementary)
37)     A set of rules that governs how computersmake exchange information over a computerscomputer network.  (SLC – 2067)
38)     A main computer in the computer network. (SLC 2068)
39)     The rules that makes network communication possible. (SLC 2068)
40)     Physical Layout of LAN.  (SLC 2069)
41)     A computer in a network that can provide services to other computers.                   (SLC 2070, SEE 2074)
42)     The data carrying capacity on the communication channel. A computer in a network
43)     A company that provides the internet facilities. (SEE 2072)
44)     A computer that provides services to other computers in a network. (SEE 2072)
45)     A type of network in which every computer works as both client and server. (SEE 2073)
46)     An electronic device that supplies electric current when the electricity is cut off.       (SEE 2073 Supp)
47)     A device that connects networks which may use different communication protocols. (SEE 2073 Supp)
48)     The physical layout of local area network. (SEE 2074)
49)     A powerful computer which controls and co-ordinates all computers connected in a network. (SEE 2075)
50)     The volume of bits that can be transferred per second through the communication media.     (SEE 2075)
51) A computer network that connects information technology devices within the range of the individual persons.
52)     A private network that can only be accessed by authorized users.
53) A private network that uses Internet technology and the public telecommunication system to securely share part of a business's information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses. 
54)  The software that allows multiple computers to communicate, and share files and hardware devices with one another.
55)     Network of networks. (SEE Grade Promotion Exam 2078)
56)     A Company which provides services of internet. (SEE 2079)
57)     Protocol used to receive email from the mail server. (SEE 2073)
58)     Software that enables the viewing of HTML pages on the internet. (SEE sup. 2073)
59)     The business is conducted through the Internet. (SEE 2074)
60)     The device used to connect the PC to the telephone line. (SLC 2068)
61)     Online postal service.
62)     Internet service that allows people to communicate with each other by tying in real-time.
63)     It is a service of the internet used to make communication using sound as well as pictures.
64)     It is a language that is used to create web pages.

Answer key

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